Experts from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University skillfully use buccal mucosa to reconstruct the urethra to solve the pain of patients with blocked urine

[Source: New Jiangsu·China Jiangsu Net]

New Jiangsu·China Jiangsu Net News (Reporter Sun Jun correspondent Xu Hui) Mr. Zhu from Huaian This year, 60 years old, because of long-term difficulty in urination, the enlarged prostate gland was removed in a local hospital, but still unable to urinate. After further examination, the urethral stricture was found. After two urethral incisions and multiple urethral dilations, the effect became worse and worse. Finally, the pain of urination could only be temporarily solved by bladder hole drilling.

At the suggestion of the local hospital, Mr. Zhu came to the Urology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University for help. When he arrived at the hospital for examination, he found that the urethra had been blocked up to 2 cm. Mr. Zhu’s own oral and buccal mucosal flaps have reconstructed the urethra. At present, Mr. Zhu is no longer suffering from inability to urinate.

urethral stricture is the fibrotic scarring of part of the urethral tissue due to trauma or infection, which narrows the urethra and makes it impossible to pass urine smoothly. The majority of men with urethral trauma are urethral injuries caused by traffic accident trauma or endoscopy iatrogenic factors, which increase the risk of urethral stricture. Patients may experience symptoms such as dysuria, hematuria, and severe hydronephrosis.

Dr. Liucheng Ding, Department of Urology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, said that patients with urethral stricture generally undergo endoscopic urethrotomy and urethral dilation. disease. But unfortunately, the urethral stricture is more than 1 to 2 cm, and the recurrence rate is sometimes as high as 50%. Patients with recurrent strictures are treated in the same way, and the recurrence rate is 95 to 100%. Ding Liucheng suggested that patients with recurrent stenosis after urethrotomy, long urethral stenosis, or patients who cannot be reconstructed with endoscopy after urethral stenosis can reconstruct the urethra with autologous tissue such as scrotal flap or oral mucosa transplantation to treat urethral stenosis.

Because the oral and buccal mucosa is similar to the urethra, it is smooth and ductile, has good immunological properties (anti-infection), and is easy to obtain. It is suitable for reconstruction tissue. However, not all patients require the use of this technique for urethral strictures and must be evaluated based on stricture location, length, and whether other treatments have been performed in the past. The MANTA urethroplasty performed by the Department of Urology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University can provide excellent results for patients with bulbar stenosis with an occlusion segment ≤ 2 cm. Dorsal mucosal anastomosis, supplemented by ventral covered buccal mucosal mesh to widen the narrow urethra.

According to reports, this technology department is a new technology that Dr. Ding Liucheng learned during his visit to Germany in 2021.

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