Everyone with bad breath hides a bunch of “trash cans” in their mouths…


You have also encountered this situation

Following a day after flossing

Smell the toothpick on a whim

The result was so stinky that I wanted to die on the spot

Sometimes my fingers touch the teeth by accident

Long, lingering aftertaste on your fingertips

The top note is strong, the middle note is sour and refreshing, and the base note is a little bit on the head

Waking up from a corporate nap

Looking embarrassedly at the drool that came down

Get up close and sniff

I even began to suspect that I was eating durian stew for lunch

I don’t have bad breath,

I also brushed my teeth in the morning,

Why is this happening?

That’s because

We finish eating all kinds of food

There will always be a little bit of residue left in the mouth

Plus a little epithelial cell shed from time to time

Bleeding in patients with gingivitis and periodontitis

Makes our mouth

It’s literally a mini dump

Why do you say that?

Similar to the principle that the garbage will stink after a long time

in our mouths

There is also a large microbiome

Led by Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria

They eat garbage

Produces large amounts of volatile sulfides while

This is one of the main sources of bad breath[1]

Even if we brush our teeth seriously

Bacteria multiply faster than you can imagine


If not trained in systematic brushing

Brushing your teeth is likely to have hygienic dead spots

For example, the deepest molars are often difficult to brush

Food residue is also often found in the teeth

Other than that

Also present in the mouth

Things that cannot be easily removed with a toothbrush—

The Big Three of “Anti-Brush”

Let’s talk about the most familiar old friend – dental caries

On our teeth

Dental plaque is a “tribe” of many bacteria

These bacteria eat sugar and starch

Then produces a large amount of acids

Plaque cannot be washed away by running water

Removal only by mechanical means

(such as brushing, flossing, and ultrasonic cleaning)

If not removed in time

Acids continually erode teeth

Over time

The tooth will be eroded into a hole[2]

This tooth cavity is a great food warehouse for bacteria

They’re in this hole

Continuous corruption and fermentation…

The smell is naturally sour and refreshing

Look at the calculus that everyone hates

In the oral bacterial tribe

There is a “nanobacteria”[3]

It is a special microorganism that allows the body to form stones

(of course,Some say they are not living things)

under the “nourishing” of saliva and crevicular fluid

As a center of mineralization

Invite food scraps

Calcium salts in oral fluids

And sloughed epithelial cells are involved

Hold each other tightly

Merge with each other, regardless of each other

A calculus that adheres to the teeth forms over time

Dental calculus pressing on the gums

Not only damages periodontal health

It also smells “fascinating”…

In addition, there is a friend who may not be so familiar to everyone – tonsil stones


As part of the body’s immune system

Helps the body fight infections

Named because it looks like an almond

It has many dimples on its surface

If the tonsils are chronically inflamed

Unable to secrete fluid in time

Flushing out the “garbage” in the nest

Over time

It will also form stones one by one

This results in bad breath[4]

In general, want to prevent the mouth from becoming a garbage dump

The easiest and most direct way is of course

Get rid of the rubbish in time!

Also brush your teeth!

Brush your teeth the right way!


Swipe after every meal


Rinse with water or mouthwash as well

You can also use dental floss instead of toothpicks

Clean up food residues between teeth in time

In addition, it is strongly recommended that you must regularly brush your teeth

Using high frequency oscillations generated by ultrasound

Remove plaque and calculus from the tooth surface

This will not only get rid of bad breath

It can also effectively prevent oral diseases such as dental caries and periodontitis

Finally, I wish you all good teeth

Farewell to bad breath

Eat Ma Ma Xiang~

Reviewers: many| Former attending physician of the Department of Stomatology, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University


[1]De Boever E H , Loesche W J . Assessing the contribution of anaerobic microflora of the tongue to oral malodor.[J]. Journal of the American Dental Association, 1995, 126(10) :1384-1393.

[2] Sun Guoneng. Study on the effect of lifestyle and behavior intervention on preventing tooth decay[J]. Modern Preventive Medicine, 2012(20):5345-5347.

[3] Zhang Songmei, Tian Fei, Li Jing, et al. A preliminary study on the role of nanobacteria in the formation of dental calculus [J]. Chinese Journal of Microecology, 2009, 21 (002):152-155.

[4]Pirkl I , Filipovi B , Goranovi T , et al. Large tonsillolith associated with accessory duct of ipsilateral submandibular gland; support for saliva stasis hypothesis[J]. Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, 2015.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge. It cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician. It is for reference only.

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