@Every one of you who struggles in ordinary positions! Praise for you!


The spring breeze brings warmth and vitality

A warm and glorious season< /p>

There are such a group of people

in ordinary positions

conscientious and conscientious obsessed with ingenuity

let us work together Look at

the extraordinary behind this ordinary figure-

In the emergency room

No difference today and every day

At the forefront of guarding life /p>

Scenes like this are played out every day

Compression, needle push, defibrillation, intubation…

The rhythm of the heartbeat is no longer messy

The value of blood pressure is no longer alarming

Respiratory recovery! Consciousness restored!

They are in a race against death every day

Hope to win a lifetime for patients

Here is the weakest life

and the strongest guard

1ml milk, 1 microgram of drugs

will affect the direction of every new life

Stand beside the bed for hours of nursing observation

Slight changes, subtle growth

All of them are in their hearts

They love instead of their parents

They have to work hard for their children’s future


In the operating room

Bath under shadowless lights

Every moment every moment

From the light to the eye, from the eye to the heart

Skillful flipping, moving fingers like flying

Focus on surgery, focusing on cooperation

focusing on observing, focusing on recording

a green dress blooms on them< /p>

Can’t see the bright sun

But countless lives have hope since then

The curves on the monitor

outline the direction of life

heavy breathing sound of the ventilator


Extending the desire to live

The liquid dripping from the infusion tube

carrying the dream of health

They take tens of thousands of steps every day Busy shuttle

Superior medical skills make death daunting

Warm care makes life endless

In the medical ward

daily in detail >

Like a sincere bond

Connecting them to the patient’s heart and hand

The small stethoscope is like a magnifying glass

Finding the crux of the disease from the subtle< /p>

Solid basic skills

Is a family heirloom to protect health

passed down from generation to generation

and the mission and responsibility of doctors

in the chemotherapy ward

What should angel wings look like?

He had imagined countless times

really became an “angel”

discovered that the wings were made by countless times

dispensing, checking

Hundreds of chemotherapy patients in the ward

replace hundreds of infusions every day

accurate and temperature-controlled nursing

yes His ordinary but strong wings

in anesthesia recovery room

The clothes “big white”

soothe the calmness and tranquility of the patient’s body and mind

they are the surgeon’s closest comrades in arms

hold the colorful curves on the monitor


It is to guard the patient’s life and death line of defense

escort the success of the operation

this is their mission

in ultrasound room

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Apply the couplant to the probe hundreds of times

Hand hold the probe and lift it gently

Repeat thousands of times a day

Eyes on the changing ultrasound image

Like watching an old black and white TV with snowflakes flickering all day

Not “golden eyes”

still To find the crux of the turbulent image

“needle in a haystack”

in radiology department

The radiation is like a “mirror mirror”

Small dangers have nowhere to hide

The wonderful world of the human body


In their minds

only unpredictable black and white

one person writes thousands of reports a week

deliberately scrutinizes every detail< /p>

See hidden diseases with subtle signs

In the laboratory

PCR laboratory, biochemical laboratory, and microbiology laboratory

are all battlefields

reagents are like bullets

they guard them day and night On the high ground of people’s health

faced with tens of thousands of specimens

precisely prevent and identify the “culprit” of the disease

tens of thousands of specimens Reports

is a solemn commitment from every “inspector”

In the disinfection supply center

Hundreds of instrument kits every day

recycled by the disinfection supply center

cleaning, disinfection, inspection, assembly, and sterilization

nearly 10,000 instruments “reborn from ashes” ”return to the clinicbed

provide the safest and cleanest medical devices

Cleaning quality, functional integrity, accurate quantity

It is a daily work trilogy

Continuous repetition and tireless effort

Keep the surgical instruments The first line of defense for quality and safety

at the hospital gate

Get to work on time every morning

Facing the traffic of 10,000 people at the gate of the hospital every day

“Green code, body temperature, mask, one Rice noodle”

become a repeated mantra

help the elderly to register health treasure

answer the different admission questions of patients

they Guarding the “first post” of hospital epidemic prevention and control

in the outpatient hall

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Towels and antiseptic tablets on her hands

She is her closest labor partner

self-service machines, waiting chairs, door handles

Sweep the floor, clean the trash can…

Cycle every hour

Just a simple action of sanitizing and wiping

It will be repeated tens of thousands of times a day

Let the patient go to the doctor more clean and safe

It is her greatest responsibility

Among these figures

With you, with me, with him

deeply cultivated in everyordinary position

Today is our own Festival

Sincerely bless every worker

on the road of struggle

Busy and happy!


Source: Peking University People’s Hospital WeChat Official Account

Editor: Yang Zhenyu

Review: Xu Bingnan Yan Yan

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