[Epidemic Prevention and Control] When participating in nucleic acid testing, you must pay attention to this matter!

In response to the more hidden Omicron variant strains, regional nucleic acid testing is a very effective epidemic prevention and control measure. But in fact, many people do not know that when participating in nucleic acid testing, since they do not know whether there are infected people in the crowd, if they do not pay attention to personal protection, cross-infection is very likely to occur.

The main transmission modes of Ormicron variant strains are respiratory droplet transmission, contact transmission and aerosol transmission. During nucleic acid testing, once an infected person opens his mouth and exhales, there will be a large amount of virus in the surrounding air. If the next person to be tested does not pay attention to holding his breath when being sampled, it is easy to inhale the virus and eventually lead to infection .

Exhalation, especially deep breathing and coughing, are all at risk of transmission. When queuing up for nucleic acid testing, everyone should not talk too much, especially not loudly. When seated for sampling, try to hold your breath and do not take deep breaths.

Because there may be droplets on the operating table at the nucleic acid testing site, It is recommended that citizens do not touch it at will Do not put personal items such as mobile phones on the countertop, and immediately disinfect them with alcohol or disinfectant when they are accidentally touched.

Before nucleic acid sampling, wear a mask to prevent aggregation p>

Before nucleic acid sampling, you should first ensure that you have not been vaccinated against the new crown within 48 hours.

2 Try not to eat for hours. To avoid affecting the test results, do not smoke, drink or chew gum 30 minutes before sampling.

Try to walk, ride or take a private car to the nucleic acid test sampling site, wear a mask during the whole process, keep a safe distance as much as possible, and avoid touching public facilities and items with your hands , Do not touch eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc.

Keep a distance of 1 meter when queuing to avoid gathering and talking to each other. The site needs to follow the instructions of the staff, and fill in the personal information and prepare the sampling code in advance as required.

In order to avoid cross-infection when queuing, you must wear masks correctly and properly, do not expose your mouth and nose, do not take off the mask at will, or pull the mask to the chin.

During nucleic acid sampling, sterilize and then sit down

During the nucleic acid sampling process, after the doctor completes the previous subject and disinfects his hands and takes out a new cotton swab, he quickly takes off his mask and opens his mouth for sampling , wear a mask immediately after sampling.

When sampling, lean your head back and try to relax Make an “ah” motion (but don’t make a sound). When coughing or vomiting due to discomfort, cover with a tissue or elbow.

Please try not to touch the clothes of the sampling personnel, and do not put any items you carry with you (ID cards, keys, mobile phones, bags, etc.) on the sampling table, and do not Touch the sampling stage with your hand.

Cooperate with the doctor and put on the mask immediately after sampling. It should be noted that after sampling, please do not spit into the trash can. Because the sampling swab is sterile, the saliva produced can be swallowed directly.

If nasopharyngeal swabs are collected, citizens should inform them before sampling. Whether the collection personnel have relevant past medical history or related matters, such as the history of nasal surgery, nasal septum curvature and other related risk factors.

After sampling, wash hands frequently and leave early

After sampling is completed, hand disinfection should be performed. Wiped tissues or discarded masks should not be discarded indiscriminately and should be placed in medical waste garbage bags.

Wear a mask, leave in an orderly manner, and do not stay at the sampling site.

How to properly remove and wear masks before and after nucleic acid testing?

Nucleic acid detectionis an effective means of normalizing epidemic prevention and control.Frequently participate in nucleic acid testing. Detecting partnersDon’t ignore these precautions

Poke the picture together to learn ↓↓

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before and after nucleic acid testing

There are many children who take off their shoes and wear masks Posture

is incorrect

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The risk of infection will be greatly increased

this issueWe also sorted out at the same time

< p>Take off masks before and after nucleic acid testing

Some precautions

Let’s take a look~ span>

Source: Basic Public Health Service Project Promotion Platform

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