Enwei Pharmaceutical has weak research and development strength, and the chairman served as the assistant to the president at the age of 16?

Source: World Wide Web

    [Global Web Zero Observation] Enwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the research and development of Chinese patent medicines and chemical medicines, Production and sales, focusing on gynecological products, pediatric medicine, respiratory medicine and other fields .

    The chairman and CEO of Enwei Pharmaceutical is Xue Yongjiang, who was born in March 1971. The prospectus disclosed that he had previously served as Chengdu Enwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. from 1987 to 1995. The assistant to the president, the manager of the sales department and the general manager of Chengdu Enwei Healthcare Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., that is, Xue Yongjiang was only 16 years old when he was the assistant to the president of Chengdu Enwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Not only that, according to public information, “Chengdu Enwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.” was established in 1993. How could Xue Yongjiang have served as the assistant to the president of the company as early as 1987?

    According to public information, the branches of “Chengdu Enwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.” in several provinces have their business licenses revoked. An administrative penalty imposed by regulations on illegal corporate legal persons. As for whether Xue Yongjiang was legal and compliant when participating in the operation of “Chengdu Enwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.”, Enwei Pharmaceutical did not accept an interview with reporters.

    Meanwhile, the independent directors of Enwei Pharmaceutical include Mr. Feng Jian, who is currently a full-time teacher at the School of Accounting, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. , and also served as the independent director of Xiamen Yaxun Network Co., Ltd. In April 2020, the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced the “Decision on Taking Regulatory Measures to Issue Warning Letters to Xiamen Yaxun Network Co., Ltd.”. After investigation, the China Securities Regulatory Commission found that Yaxun Network had software in the process of applying for an initial public offering and listing. There is a lack of sufficient basis for the recognition of research and development revenue, the conflict between the time of sales and delivery and the time of delivery, some customers’ sales collection funds come from the issuer or its related parties, and executives indirectly occupy the issuer’s funds through employee loans or supplier payment methods. As an independent director of Yaxun Network, Feng Jian, whether he has the corresponding ability to serve is also worth torturing.

    According to the prospectus, “Bozhou Shan’antang Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction Pieces Co., Ltd.” has always been one of the main suppliers of Enwei Medicine. The largest supplier of medicines. However, according to public information, as of the end of 2021, the paid-in capital of “Bozhou Shan’antang Traditional Chinese Medicine Pieces Co., Ltd.” is zero.

    Not only that, the Anhui Provincial Drug Administration issued an administrative penalty decision in May 2021 (Anhui Drug Administration Drug Punishment [2021] No. 2-27), “Bozhou Shan’antang Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction Pieces Limited The company” was suspected of producing and selling inferior medicine yam, and the illegal gains were confiscated, and a fine of 1.7 times the value of the illegal production and sale of medicines was imposed.

    In addition, according to the “Announcement of Daily Supervision and Inspection Information Released by the Second Branch of Anhui Province Drugs (Including Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Granules) Production (February 2022)” issued by Anhui Provincial Drug Administration in March 2022 Among them, “Bozhou Shan’antang Traditional Chinese Medicine Pieces Co., Ltd.” has 1 major defect and 8 general defects. Whether Enwei Pharmaceutical has sufficient risk control measures for the product quality of suppliers and whether there is a risk of purchasing substandard Chinese medicine raw materials from suppliers is also worthy of attention.

    The prospectus for the company’s research and development work discloses: “The company has always focused on product research and development in the fields of gynecology, pediatrics and respiratory systems. and process innovation to maintain its product advantages and core competitiveness”, “use modern production equipment and technology for production and operation, and actively invest in process upgrades, product research and development, etc.”. But at the same time, from 2019 to 2021, the ratio of Enwei Pharmaceutical’s R&D investment to operating income is only 0.71%, 0.76% and 0.64% respectively. By the end of 2021, the number of technical personnel is only 39, and the proportion is as low as 2.36 %.