[Environment and Health] “Flying Snow” in April, how to carry out health protection?

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Beijing Municipal Bureau of Meteorology and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape Architecture jointly released “2022 Beijing Yangliufei Forecast of the flocculation start period”

Beijing flocculation period generally lasts from early April to late May, lasting about 50 days .

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Poplar flowers are not flowers, and catkins are not catkins, they are willow capsules after cracking A mixture of the released seeds and the accessory hairs (floccules) on the seeds, the willow flocculent is actually the process of seed dispersal by the willow mother tree by wind. After being inhaled into the nasal cavity, it will cause strong irritation, runny nose, cough and asthma and other reactions, and allergic reactions will also occur on the skin, such as itching of the skin, redness of the conjunctiva, etc. Severe cases can also cause upper respiratory tract infections and breathing difficulties.

<>How to fight fluff?


Heroes don’t suffer immediate losses, they can’t afford it, let’s hide

Like other allergies, sensitive people are the most To get rid of allergens, stay indoors as much as possible during the day. Fei Xu will last for half a month to a month, usually at noon at most, sensitive people try to avoid this time to go out, even if they want to do outdoor activities,Also, when there are few willow catkins, such as morning and night, the rain will be greatly relieved.

Indoor ventilation should close the screen windows, pay attention to indoor hygiene, wet cleaning, and turn on the air purifier if necessary.


Can’t hide, let’s guard

no flocculation

The flying fluff is small and easy to be inhaled into the nasal cavity, you know what happens after that , nasal congestion, astringency, runny nose, sneezing, and even severe breathing difficulties and upper respiratory tract infection symptoms.

Sensitive people should be floc-proof like anti-haze. Masks should be worn in accordance with the instructions for use. When wearing, they must completely cover the nose, mouth and chin, and keep the mask and face. Close fit, the better the airtightness, the better the protection effect.


Wrap Yourself

People who are prone to skin allergies, try to avoid contact with flying fluff, otherwise the skin will be unbearably itchy, or even red, swollen and inflamed. When going out, “wrap” yourself, wear a hat, long clothes and trousers, and try to avoid direct skin contact with the fly.

After the skin is stained with fluff, it should be removed in time. It is best to wash it with warm water to help prevent allergies or reduce allergy symptoms.

When skin irritation occurs Do not scratch, pat gently, Cold compresses and antipruritic medications can relieve symptoms.


Clean and be safe

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1. When returning from going out, you should wash your hands first, wash your nose and face at the same time, and promptly clean up the fly on your coat. floc.

2. The high incidence of willow catkins should be Clean up or spray water to humidify indoor flying flakes in time, especially on the surface of heating appliances such as electric heaters, as well as furniture and floors Flying on the surface; the room can be cleaned in time with a vacuum cleaner.

3.Regularly clean the interior of the car to remove fluff and dust in a timely manner.

4.Fire Safety >, it is strictly forbidden to throw cigarette butts, and it is strictly forbidden to ignite the flying catkins with open flames.

strong>Copyright Statement:This article is reproduced from the WeChat public account “Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention” (ID: bjcdcblog ).


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