Entering Fufu today, the hottest time of the year is here, and the “Sanfu Tie” in Beijing’s hospitals officially launched

July 16, in Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Beijing Longfu Hospital, medical staff are putting “Sanfu stickers” on patients.

The dog days are the hottest, humid and muggy days of the year, which are the most suitable for winter diseases and summer treatments. On the same day, the traditional traditional Chinese medicine therapy – “Sanfu Tie” was officially launched.

Summer treatment for winter diseases is an important feature of traditional Chinese medicine, and there is more yang energy in the body It is a favorable time to adjust the balance of yin and yang of the human body, so that some chronic diseases caused by Yin Sheng, especially those that are susceptible to winter, can be cured.

Acupoint application in dog days is one of the most common summer treatments for winter diseases. Carry out non-drug therapy, invigorating the temperature and yang, dispelling cold and dredging collaterals, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing and treating diseases that are prone to occur in winter.

(Original title: Entering Fu today! “San Fu Posting” in Beijing hospitals officially launched)

Source: Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Fang Fei

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