Emotional distress and loss of control? you might want to see a psychologist

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporter Zhang Hua

Correspondents: Xie Junyi, Liu Huanhuan, Wu Xiaodan

Photo/Yangcheng Evening News Data Map

“I’ve been so distracted lately that I can’t sleep. As soon as I close my eyes, my mind starts to run wild”;

“For some reason, I’m always unhappy, and I don’t want to touch the things I usually love to do”;

“I’ve always been very depressed recently, and I feel that my whole person is not well”…

Trapped in an emotional cage, I find myself getting more and more out of control, and my bad mood is slowly eating me up. “What should I do?”

In life, it is inevitable that we will not be able to sleep because of bad things that affect our mood. What should I do now? October 10 is the “World Mental Health Day”. Zhao Jiubo, deputy director of the Department of Psychiatry, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, and Zhao Xinyu, a psychotherapist, said in an interview with reporters that once they have accumulated and developed for a long time, they will repeatedly experience irritability, cranky thoughts or Severe mood swings may be a harbinger of psychological problems. At this time, it is difficult to get through it alone, and it needs the support of others and professional psychological assistance.

Misunderstanding 1: The “psychological cold” will be fine after a while

“Psychological cold” is a metaphor for mental sub-health, such as anxiety and depression. Although it does not meet the diagnostic criteria for anxiety and depression, the psychological and physical symptoms Discomfort is already having an impact on everyday life. This kind of discomfort may occur to everyone at different stages of life. It can be said that most people fluctuate between healthy and sub-healthy throughout their lives.

Zhao Jiubo pointed out that sometimes a bad mood will gradually calm down over time, but not every time it can be relieved naturally after a period of time. It depends on the severity of the “psychological cold” (similar to a severe cold or a mild cold), as well as the client’s psychological quality, self-adjustment ability, and the support of family and friends.

Once after a long period of accumulation and development, repeated irritability, cranky thoughts or violent fluctuations in mood may be an omen of psychological problems. At this time, it is difficult to get through it alone, and you need the support of others and professional psychological assistance, such as seeing a psychiatrist.

Misunderstanding 2: The problem is serious enough to need to see a psychiatrist

It is widely believed that only those who are ill need to go to the hospital, but the psychology department is not just for medical treatment. Zhao Xinyu said that the psychology department not only treats heart disease, but also prevents “heart disease”. At different stages of life, everyone will feel anxious, confused, lonely, meaningless, or struggling with various interpersonal relationships and life problems. These problems are not serious enough to make you feel “sick” or “I have a mental or psychological problem”, but they can make you unhappy for a long time and feel that many things are not going well all the time, and then you can Psychology for help. In addition, you can go to the psychology department to simply explore the deep-seated causes of your emotional problems and remove obstacles to growth.

According to the reporter’s understanding, in fact, in the hospital, the “psychiatrist” that everyone often refers to includes two main types of psychotherapy professionals: psychiatrists and psychotherapists, who usually go to the hospital for psychological consultation. Department, or psychiatry number, you can get the help of the above two types of professionals.

People call them “psychologists,” but there’s a big difference between the two.

Zhao Jiubo introduced that in the Department of Psychology of Zhujiang Hospital, a standardized diagnosis and treatment process of “diagnosis first, treatment later” is implemented. Those with psychological distress need to register at the outpatient department of psychology first, and a psychiatrist will conduct standardized consultations and make a clear diagnosis based on the results of psychological assessment, and formulate a treatment plan.

Treatment options usually include psychotherapy alone, medication, or a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Drug therapy relieves pathological emotions through biological pathways, and thus reduces the psychological harm of these emotions to patients; while psychotherapy helps clients understand the causes of pathological emotions, and try to make cognitive or behavioral adjustments and adjustments. Change.

Myth 3: “Psychotherapy” is about finding someone to chat with me

Psychotherapy is a professional interpersonal process. Zhao Xinyu said that the therapist interacts with the client through verbal and non-verbal means, causing positive changes in their psychological, behavioral and physical functions, achieving the purpose of treating diseases and promoting recovery, which is very different from ordinary chatting.

Myth 4: Psychiatric drugs have serious side effects and are addictive

Just like a bad cold requires medicine, a heart cold may require medicine. When emotional problems have seriously disturbed the patient’s life and social functions, after professional evaluation, doctors will recommend the use of drugs to treat emotional problems or the physical symptoms caused by them. Zhao Jiubo pointed out that although the existing new generation of psychiatric drugs have certain side effects, they have been greatly improved compared with the previous drugs, the probability of serious side effects is very low, and most drugs will not cause addiction problems.

Myth #5: Seeing a psychiatrist can solve problems quickly

The effectiveness of any treatment depends on at least two aspects of treatment fit and onset of action. Zhao Jiubo introduced that the current psychiatric drugs have different mechanisms of action, and will have different curative effects for different diseases and individual differences, so regular follow-up visits are required as prescribed by a doctor. Usually, it takes about two weeks for the medication to start to work.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pie

Editor | Chen Hui