Elderly friends, please pay attention: Do not take health care products as medicine | Scientific anti-fraud

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“A disease can cure a disease, and a disease can be healthy”? Many elderly friendshave the habit of eating health supplements, and some elderly people even take health supplementsas “” “Medicine” to eat, as everyone knows, doing so may have hidden risks.

Only taking health supplements to lower blood sugar?


Aunt Wang, who is in her 60s, has been taking medication since she was diagnosed with diabetes. But she still can’t quit her favorite dessert, so her blood sugar has not been well controlled. Introduced by the teammates who danced with the square dance, Aunt Wang went to an event site “admiringly”. After the sales staff learned that Aunt Wang had diabetes but loved sweets, they recommended to her a health product that was said to “lower blood sugar and lipids”. The sales staff repeatedly emphasized that after eating this health care product, eating sweets will not hinder the blood sugar reduction. Aunt Wang thought to herself that the health care products that she spent a lot of money on would definitely have the same effect, so she stopped the hypoglycemic drugs she had been taking and only took health care products. At the beginning, Aunt Wang measured her blood sugar several times and found that her blood sugar had indeed dropped a lot, so she continued to take health supplements. But it didn’t take long for Aunt Wang to become exhausted. She didn’t like to eat, and she didn’t even have any interest in the desserts she used to love. Also, she always feels dry mouth and weaker day by day. One day at noon, Aunt Wang suddenly passed out at home. Fortunately, my wife was at home, so I immediately dialed the “120” emergency number and took Aunt Wang to the hospital. The test results showed that Aunt Wang’s blood sugar concentration was only 1.5mmol/L at that time. In normal people, the fasting blood glucose concentration was 3.9~6.0mmol/L. A blood glucose concentration below 3.9mmol/L is called hypoglycemia. Preliminary analysis of the medical staff said that the health food taken by Aunt Wang is likely to contain western medicine ingredients that can quickly lower blood sugar, which caused the elderly’s blood sugar to drop sharply, and then coma.

Don’t take medicine after taking health care products?

No way!

The health care product market is full of false propaganda, misleading consumers and other chaos, which has laid many hidden safety hazards for the elderly in drug use and health care. Some unscrupulous merchants will hype the efficacy of health care products, blur the difference between health care products and medicines, and make the elderly mistakenly think that they are buying medicines. Like Aunt Wang in the story, many elderly friends believed in the so-called “magical effects” in the propaganda of health products, so they stopped taking the medicine without authorization, burying hidden dangers to their health. Some elderly people think that health care products and medicines are the same thing, but health care products are more “advanced”, so the price is more expensive than ordinary medicines. I hereby remind the majority of elderly friends not to be superstitious about health products, let alone replace medicines with health products. If you feel unwell, you must go to a regular medical institution for an examination, and the doctor will give a clear diagnosis and treatment advice. If you need to take medicine, you should take it under the guidance of a doctor or pharmacist. .

How to avoid misuse of supplements?

Learn these tips

In general, those who claim to not need to go to the hospital Regular treatment can “radically cure” certain diseases, and most of the health care products offered as gifts and door-to-door sales are unreliable. Eating health products indiscriminately may cause liver damage and kidney damage. It is recommended that you go to a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment, and follow the doctor’s advice for treatment, so as not to delay the disease. Regular health food packaging boxes should be marked with the “blue hat” health food special logo, and the approval number below. The approval number of the domestic health food is “Wei (Guo) Food Health”, and the imported health food is “Wei (Jin) Food Health”. At the same time, the packaging of health food must indicate: name, net content and solid content, ingredients, functional ingredients, health care function, suitable population, consumption method, date labeling (production date and shelf life), storage method, implementation standard, health care The name and address of the food production enterprise, and the sanitation license number are all indispensable. Have you learned these practical methods?

(Source: Healthy China)