Eggs are high in cholesterol, what will happen if you eat too much? For such people, it is indeed dangerous!

Eggs are the best and cheapest food on the planet.

An egg is not only rich in protein, but also contains all eight essential amino acids needed by the human body, rich lecithin, and the protein type and amino acid composition ratio of the egg is perfect.

The most important thing is that people are not expensive, and there are many ways to eat, it is a blessing for mankind!

However, in recent years, eggs have also been burdened with some infamy.

For example—-Cholesterol is too high, don’t eat eggs casually.

Can I eat eggs with high cholesterol?

Speaking of which, eggs are indeed high in cholesterol, especially egg yolks. Each 100g egg yolk contains about 1500mg of cholesterol, and a 50g egg contains about 300mg cholesterol.

The problem is, eggs do have higher cholesterol, but not through their fault.

Cholesterol in the human body is mainly divided into two categories – endogenous and exogenous, endogenous Sexual cholesterol accounts for about 2/3 of total cholesterol and is the main source.

The exogenous cholesterol that is deficient in the diet occupies a small part, and slightly affects the blood cholesterol level. Eating eggs does not have a great impact on the blood cholesterol level.

The heated debate on whether to eat eggs is actually a reflection of the public’s concern about cardiovascular problems

In September 2020, the “China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2019” released by the National Cardiovascular Center estimated that:

The current number of people suffering from cardiovascular disease in my country has reached 330 million, which means that one out of every four Chinese people has cardiovascular problems. It is understandable that the people listed “can you eat 1 egg a day” as a topic of controversy.

In fact, on the issue of eating eggs, the above research is only a summary analysis of big data, and the impact on each individual is different.

We give two examples:

A relatively poor friend has a relatively simple diet every day, and eats very little fish, lacks nutrients, is thin and has poor physique.

In this case, if you can eat eggs in moderation, supplement lipid nutrition, protein, etc., even if you eat two eggs a day, not only will it not harm your health, but it will be a concentrated nutritional supplement , can quickly improve the state of the body’s lack of nutrients.

And if it is a person who has obesity and high blood lipids, he originally maintained the eating habit of big fish and meat, and even if he found cardiovascular disease, he still did not change his eating habits.

Such a situation, when combined with the cholesterol in eggs, further increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In summary, we still have to analyze according to different physical conditions, and make judgments based on other aspects of our own dietary conditions and corresponding health conditions.

On the premise of good eating habits, all the indicators of the body are normal. Eating eggs every day is good for the body. People with cardiovascular disease already need to consult a doctor. Adjust the amount of eggs you eat.

The nutritional advantage of egg yolk is no less than that of egg white

Many people have this misunderstanding, especially many friends who are keen on fitness, they often strictly follow the so-called low-fat and high-protein recipes, such as discarding 9 egg yolks for 10 eggs.

However, egg yolks actually contain protein, and it’s much higher than egg whites.

Because the protein is higher in moisture and the yolk is dry, the egg white contains about 11% protein, while the yolk has 17.5%, and the amino acid composition of the two All are almost perfect and easily absorbed by the body.

At the same time, egg yolk is rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron and other minerals, which also contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K< /strong>and most B vitamins.

Additionally, Lutein and Zeaxanthin help vision, and Lecithin, Beetroot, and chronic disease prevention Alkali is also concentrated in the egg yolk.

So it’s too damn good to throw away such a rich egg yolk?

Of course, for patients with high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high blood lipids, and high uric acid, it is enough to eat one per day.

For patients with cholecystitis, it is necessary to eat less egg yolks, and soy products rich in dietary fiber and stigmasterol can be selected as the main source of dietary protein.