Economic and Technological Development Zone issued a vaccination proposal: participate in vaccination to build a national immunization barrier

Recently, there have been repeated outbreaks of new coronary pneumonia in many places in China, and the uncertainty of virus transmission still exists. So, what is the most scientific and effective way to defend against the new coronavirus? Participating in vaccinations and building a national immune barrier must be the key to winning the battle against the epidemic. To this end, the Economic and Technological Development Zone Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters has issued the following proposals to the general public:

Be proactive and build immune barriers together

If you Those who have not yet been vaccinated and are not contraindicated. For the health of you and your family, please meet the requirements of residents and friends to take active actions, not be bystanders or outsiders, and take the initiative to participate in booster vaccinations by example, and contribute to building a strong epidemic prevention barrier out your own strength.

Proactively promote and advocate vaccination

If you have been vaccinated, please actively mobilize your relatives and friends to participate in vaccination, and take the initiative to vaccinate The propagandist, widely popularized the scientific nature and importance of “herd immunity”, reminded them not to hesitate, not to wait and see, to cherish the precious opportunity of vaccination, to “acquire as many as possible”, and to strive for everyone around them to be “immunized people”. “.

Scientific and standardized, the elderly can be safely vaccinated

The elderly have relatively weak immunity, and vaccination is of significance for people with underlying diseases and the elderly over 80 years old Especially important, it is an effective means to reduce the incidence of severe disease and death. According to statistics, vaccines are safe and reliable. Therefore, the elderly who have not been vaccinated need to be vaccinated as soon as possible, so as to obtain better protection effects. Please also bring your parents to get vaccinated in time, which is the best care and protection for them.

Health first, strengthen personal protection

Please consciously practice “wearing a mask, washing hands frequently, avoiding gatherings, one-meter noodles, and public chopsticks”, Use good hygiene practices such as covering your coughs and sneezes. Do a good job of daily disinfection, strengthen physical exercise, and if you have suspicious symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, diarrhea, etc., you should go to the nearest hospital fever clinic for medical treatment in time, and try to avoid taking public transportation during the medical treatment process.

Your efforts will not only protect the health of you and your family, but also contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic. Let’s guard our home together, and look forward to your “help”!

Economic Development Zone Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

May 10, 2022

Editor:Gao Meng