Eating wild mushroom poisoning, someone has been “stricken”

[Source: Liuyang Daily]

Doctor: Do not judge wild mushrooms by “experience”

In recent days The weather was cloudy and rainy, and the air was humid, and wild mushrooms in the fields on the mountains began to grow wildly. Some citizens picked wild mushrooms for consumption by their experience, but they brought hidden dangers to their own health. Recently, the emergency department of the Municipal People’s Hospital admitted a citizen who was poisoned by eating wild mushrooms. Fortunately, the patient was found in time and his life was not in danger. “June to July every year is the peak period of poisoning by mistakenly eating poisonous mushrooms.” Zhang Yong, deputy director of the emergency department of the Municipal People’s Hospital, reminded that many poisonous mushrooms and edible mushrooms look so similar that they cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. Citizens must not rely on experience. Eating wild mushrooms at will, “it is best not to pick, eat, buy, or sell to prevent poisoning.”

Liuyang Rong Media Center reporter Zeng Qiao

< span>There is this case

A bowl of wild mushrooms was eaten, and the 60-year-old was admitted to the hospital

The wild mushrooms are delicious because of their delicious taste , is highly sought after by diners. A few days ago, Mr. Peng, a 61-year-old citizen, found a lot of mushrooms growing on a hillside not far from his home, so he picked some and went home for stew.

But in the afternoon, Mr. Peng developed abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms, and his family rushed him to a local hospital for treatment.

The emergency doctor took first aid measures such as inducing vomiting on Mr. Peng. After preliminary diagnosis, Mr. Peng’s symptoms were caused by poisoning from eating wild mushrooms.

Subsequently, Mr. Peng was transferred to the Emergency Department of the Municipal People’s Hospital for treatment.

“According to its shape, color and other characteristics, it should be a large green pleated umbrella.” Zhang Yong introduced that the large green pleated umbrella is hemispherical or flat hemispherical, and it looks a bit like Galliconia when it was young , likes humid environment, common in spring and autumn. After eating, it will cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc., and it is one of the poisonous mushrooms that causes more poisoning incidents of eating wild mushrooms.

“After careful comparison, it was found that the patient ate this mushroom. Fortunately, the amount was not too much.” Zhang Yong said that Mr. Peng belonged to gastrointestinal mushroom poisoning. After being admitted to the hospital, the medical staff immediately performed symptomatic treatment such as gastric lavage on Mr. Peng. After hospitalization, Mr. Peng’s condition improved significantly and he has been discharged from the hospital.

Doctor Reminder

Do not eat, buy or sell wild mushrooms

“Currently Entering the peak period of poisoning by accidentally eating poisonous mushrooms.” Zhang Yong said that the recent continuous rainy weather has created excellent conditions for the growth of wild fungi, and some wild mushrooms are highly toxic.

In order to prevent the recurrence of such poisoning incidents as Mr. Peng, Zhang Yong suggested that citizens should not pick, eat, buy or sell wild mushrooms. It is difficult to accurately identify poisonous mushrooms, so it is very easy for citizens to pick them up by mistake.”

Once citizens have suspected poisoning symptoms after eating wild mushrooms by mistake, they should use vomiting as soon as possible. and other methods to quickly eliminate toxins. “Emergency treatment can be carried out at home. If you are conscious, you can immediately drink warm water or light salt water, and then put your fingers into the throat to induce vomiting to reduce the absorption of toxins by the gastrointestinal tract.” Zhang Yong said.

If you have symptoms such as poor spirits, lethargy, cramps, etc., you must immediately call the 120 emergency number, go to a regular hospital as soon as possible, and inform the doctor of the history of eating wild mushrooms. It is best to carry the remaining mushroom samples or mushroom pictures for the doctor’s reference, so as to facilitate the later identification and targeted treatment.

It is worth noting that if citizens want to eat mushrooms, it is best to buy them through formal channels. Buy unknown fungi, let alone go up the mountain to pick them.

Know more

There are misunderstandings about poisonous mushrooms

Many citizens who love mushrooms I like to identify based on experience, but it is easy to fall into misunderstanding:

1. Bright mushrooms are poisonous, while ordinary mushrooms are not poisonous.

Wrong! It is not easy to distinguish whether mushrooms are poisonous or not according to their color and shape. Chanterelles, Boletus chinensis and Rhododendron are brightly colored and delicious; while highly poisonous mushrooms such as gray pattern amanita and deadly amanita are gray or White.

2. Mushrooms growing in damp places or on livestock excrement are poisonous, while mushrooms growing under pine trees and other clean places are non-toxic.

Wrong! Most mushrooms grow in shady, moist environments. Some are poisonous, some are edible. There are some poisonous mushrooms that do like to grow on feces, such as some poisonous species in the hooded umbrella and the flower pleated umbrella; but some poisonous species in the amanita, the mushroom, and the red mushroom also grow in the pine forest.

3. Mushrooms are boiled with silverware, ginger, rice, and green onions. The liquid turns black and poisonous, but the color remains the same.

Wrong! Mushroom toxins cannot chemically react with silverware, etc., and cannot cause color changes, such as amanita toxin.

4. Mushrooms with maggots and worms are not poisonous.

Wrong! Many highly poisonous mushrooms will also produce maggots and insects when they mature.

Source: Liuyang Daily

Editor: Dai Peng

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