Eating this kind of food can prevent cancer and kill Helicobacter pylori? no it really can’t

Every once in a while, garlic will catch fire, and there are always posts or circles that spread the “magic effects” of garlic, including preventing cancer, killing Helicobacter pylori, and more. However, these claims are false.

The editor found out that garlic has a special smell and has a certain bactericidal effect, so it is “highly hoped”. Every time an epidemic occurs, garlic will appear. However, garlic is really “embarrassing”.

Garlic can’t prevent cancer

The China Association for Science and Technology pointed out that the statement that “garlic can prevent cancer” is in line with the researchers’ opinions on garlic in recent years. In-depth study of the element is related, but “garlic” and “allicin” cannot be equated. Moreover, allicin cannot completely replace related drugs. The claims of “garlic anti-cancer” and “allicin anti-cancer” are partial and exaggerated.

Specifically, allicin is a thiosulfinate, a substance in garlic that is beneficial to health. It has anti-inflammatory, lowering blood pressure, anti-cancer, anti-virus, etc. It has an inhibitory effect on a variety of bacilli, including Helicobacter pylori, which induces gastric cancer.

But the inhibitory effect of allicin was not immediate. According to clinical statistics, bacterial infection patients need to take allicin medicine for one week, and fungal infection patients need to take allicin medicine for four weeks to be effective.

Scientific research has found that eating allicin can make gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer patients recover faster, but it is only an auxiliary effect. It is unrealistic to think that allicin can completely replace gastritis treatment drugs and antibiotics. Allicin can only play a role in reducing inflammation, slowing down the growth of bacteria, and reducing the probability of infection with Helicobacter pylori.

In addition, a whole garlic is very low in allicin and breaks down completely after 5 minutes of boiling. Chop raw garlic and place it in the air for 15 minutes. The alliin in garlic combines with oxygen under the action of alliase to produce a very small amount of allicin. Therefore, it is difficult to increase the intake of allicin by eating garlic.

Eating more garlic is not beneficial but harmful

Or because allicin has an inhibitory effect on Helicobacter pylori, resulting in “eating garlic kills Helicobacter pylori” bacteria” misunderstanding. As mentioned earlier, garlic has very low levels of allicin, less after cooking, and does not achieve the purpose of “killing Helicobacter pylori”.

Some people also think that since there is less allicin in a single piece of garlic, can eating a few more pieces have a therapeutic or bacteriostatic effect?

On the contrary, it will irritate the stomach and eyes. The China Association for Science and Technology pointed out that allicin is irritating, and a large amount of it will cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract and eyes. This is the reason why many patients suffer from vision loss after blindly eating raw garlic.

Photo source: China Association for Science and Technology New Media “Scientific Rumors”

For the Helicobacter pylori infection of public concern, more effective prevention methods are to wash hands before meals, sterilize tableware, and use public chopsticks and spoons. If you find symptoms of infection, you should go to the hospital and get the right medicine. Usually, the hospital will treat Helicobacter pylori with combined antibiotics according to the actual situation of the infected person.

Garlic soy pot will not increase the probability of cancer

In addition to exaggerating the sterilization effect of garlic, there are also rumors that “garlic causes cancer”, indicating that many people use garlic soy sauce The habit of pot, this practice will cause cancer.

This is also a misunderstanding.

Traced by the Shanghai rumor-refuting platform, the rumor originated from a TV show in 2019. At that time, some guests in the program claimed that garlic cauldron would cause cancer, and they also took two kinds of dishes after garlic cauldron to test, and the results showed that they contained acrylamide, a carcinogen. The above conclusions have caused public concern.

However, this completely wrongs garlic. Because food containing starch is prone to produce acrylamide under high temperature cooking methods such as pan, frying, and roasting. As for acrylamide, although it is a class 2A carcinogen, it is not scientific to talk about toxicity aside from the dose. At present, the authoritative agency has still not reached a conclusion on the issue of “how much acrylamide contained in food may cause cancer”. The Joint Expert Group (JECFA), which includes the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, also pointed out that there is insufficient evidence to set a “safe intake level” for acrylamide.

Photo source: Shanghai Municipal Health Commission New Media “Healthy Shanghai 12320” p>

It can be seen that the “garlic soy pot causes cancer” is a complete misunderstanding.

In response to the unavoidable phenomenon of acrylamide in fried foods, the Department of Food Safety Standards and Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Health Commission (formerly the Ministry of Health) advised the public in 2005: avoid continuous long-term Or cook starchy foods at high temperature; advocate reasonable nutrition, balanced diet, change the eating habits of fried and high-fat foods, and reduce the possible health hazards caused by acrylamide.

(Source: Shanghai Internet Rumors)

[Editor: Shang Pei]

[Source: Shanghai Internet Rumors]