Eating the wrong ginseng can also hurt the body

Eat American ginseng every day, the more it replenishes, the more deficient it will become

When people reach old age, most of their bodies are in a state of yang deficiency, and they are prone to fatigue, shortness of breath, and catch colds at every turn. At this time, you can eat some ginseng and red ginseng, but it is not suitable to eat American ginseng. The cold American ginseng will only aggravate the yang deficiency. It may not respond to occasional consumption, but if it is eaten for a long time, the body will easily replenish the deficiency.

If you eat ginseng before the cold is cured, it will not heal for a long time

Ginseng is a tonic and has the effect of “retaining evil”. The most important thing you need to do to feel the evil is to expel the evil from your body. If you eat ginseng before the cold is cured, the cold will be prolonged, and it will not get better; in severe cases, the disease will be aggravated, causing severe headache, vomiting, convulsions, etc.

Eat ginseng at night, insomnia and more dreams

For people who suffer from insomnia due to qi and blood deficiency, ginseng has a calming effect. However, for people who are insomnia, dreamy, irritable and other internal heat, eating ginseng will aggravate insomnia. Ginseng has an excitatory effect on the central nervous system of the brain, and improper use at night can easily lead to insomnia.

When choosing the wrong ginseng or using it incorrectly, some people eat it without knowing it, and gradually “replenish” a whole body of disease. Even for those who are suitable for taking ginseng for supplementation, long-term and excessive use is not recommended. It is recommended that adults consume no more than 3 grams of artificially grown ginseng per day. If wild or aged ginseng is used, the dosage should be smaller.