Eating sweet potatoes every day, is it hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic? Maybe a lot of people haven’t eaten right, understand

Introduction: Sweet potatoes are sweet and delicious, rich in nutrients, such as amino acids, proteins, dietary fiber, starch, etc. These nutrients Both are essential to the body and are also a rare nutritious staple food.

Although sweet potatoes are particularly delicious, some people are reluctant to eat sweet potatoes, such as span>Patients with diabetes. Many people think that sweet potatoes taste sweet and soft, and will raise blood sugar after eating,so< span>To diabetic patients can not eat.

But there are somepeople who think sweet potatoes are A very healthy staple food, eating properly at ordinary times will not affect blood sugar levels, so which statement is true? ? Let’s find out together today.

What benefits can eating sweet potatoes bring to the body?

Sweet potatoes are a high-fiber, low-fat, healthy food rich inamino acids, Carbohydrates, carotene, dietary fiber, vitamins and various trace elements.

Eating some sweet potatoes properlycan give the body Provides these benefits:

Constipation prevention

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which can help accelerate gastrointestinal motility, not only to prevent constipation,< /span>It can also effectively prevent bowel cancer from appearing.

Helps lose weight< /p>

Sweet potatoes can bring a very strong sense of satiety. Eating sweet potatoes as a staple food can help reduce body fat rate , this has certain benefits for patients with three highs.

Prevention of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases span>

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin C, potassium and certain antioxidants, these Substances can help enhance the elasticity of blood vessels and help prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.

Eating sweet potatoes every day reduces or increases sugar? Maybe a lot of people have been eating right, understand

In fact, sweet potatoes are for friends with high blood sugar, < span>Whether it increases blood sugar or lowers blood sugar, it depends on how you eat.

Sweet potatoes have a glycemic index of 76.7, For friends with high blood sugar, foods with a glycemic index higher than 55 are not suitable for eating more, otherwise it will affect blood sugar levels.

Although this is the case, it does not mean that diabetics should not eat sweet potatoes at all,< strong>Usually controlling the intake of sweet potatoes is good for your health.

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, usually appropriate and reasonable Eat, which can help delay postprandialThe rate of blood sugar rise has certain benefits for stable blood sugar control.

but if you completely red span>It is not reasonable to use potato as a hypoglycemic food,< /strong>In this way, it will easily increase the blood sugar level, which is not conducive to the stable control of blood sugar.

So don’t be too superstitious about sweet potatoes, and don’t be too superstitious. Don’t underestimate, scientific and reasonable treatment is the correct way to use it.

What should diabetic patients pay attention to when eating sweet potatoes?

Control what you eat

Because sweet potatoes also contain more carbohydrates, you must reduce the intake of other staple foods every time you eat sweet potatoes, This can have Helps control total caloric intake throughout the day.

Other than that, don’t eat too many sweet potatoes< /strong>It can also avoid the problem of stomach bloating and acid.It is recommended that you eat sweet potatoes no more than 75 grams per day.

Pay attention to reasonable collocation

Sweet potatoes can be eaten with vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and other foods, there are Helps to help stabilize blood sugar control, and also allows for a balanced intake of nutrients.

Patients with gastric ulcer and hyperacidity should take it with caution< /strong>

People with stomach ulcers and hyperacidity should try not to eat sweet potatoes at ordinary times, otherwise it will easily aggravate stomach problems, which is not conducive to health.

In addition, if you want to control blood sugar, you need to pay attention to 4 points in diet

Change meal order

Meal order also has a certain auxiliary role in stabilizing blood sugar control, such as eating some vegetables or drinking some soup before meals.

Then eat vegetables and meat first and then the staple food during the meal, which will not only It can enhance satiety, avoid rapid blood sugar fluctuations, and reduce the possibility of malnutrition.

Eat less fatty foods

Because diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease, this problem will cause related disorders in the metabolic function of the patient’s body, especially the problem of fat metabolism, When fat metabolism is disordered, the body’s ability to process fat and cholesterol decreases.

This waysome fat and Cholesterol foods will easily accumulate in the body and make the blood sticky, which will not only increase blood sugar but also increase blood lipids, so we usually try to eat less high-fat foods.

Pay attention to carbs Compound intake

Carbohydrate control for people with high blood sugar It has always been a top priority. Studies have shown that the daily carbohydrate intake of diabetic patients should not be too high, otherwise it will easily lead to blood sugar fluctuations.

but not too much carbs< /strong>Low, otherwise it will be prone to malnutrition and other problems, It will also be easy to cause harm to health in the long run.

Select vegetables wisely

During the usual diet, people with diabetes should often eat some leafy vegetables and stem vegetables, such as spinach, rapeseed, celery, etc. It is high in vitamins and dietary fiber,enhancing satiety and bringing nutrients to the body without being prone to blood sugar fluctuations.

Avoid lotus roots, potatoes and tuber vegetables, which are very starchy High, entering into the body will be converted into sugar, which will easily increase blood sugar levels.

Conclusion: To sum up, for diabetic patients, we must pay more attention to the unhealthy when eating sweet potatoes. The way you eat it can easily affect your blood sugar levels. In addition to diet control, if you want to stabilize blood sugar, you should also pay attention to following the doctor’s advice and take reasonable medication, and maintain healthy living habits, so as to help reduce blood sugar and avoid the occurrence of diabetes complications.