Eating “protective grass” in spring can improve eyesight and strengthen bones, suitable for all ages! 2 ways you must know!

In March, plant willows and eat shepherd’s purse~ Shepherd’s purse is called “primrose”, and its fragrance is delicious and unique. Su Dongpo once praised it as “a treasure of nature, although it is small in taste, it has beauty beyond taste”. But in fact, shepherd’s purse not only tastes delicious, but also has low nutritional value~


Person” Shepherd’s purse is widely distributed, and can be seen in the north and south of the country. Chinese medicine believes that shepherd’s purse has the functions of spleen and spleen, diuresis, eyesight, hemostasis, etc., and can play an auxiliary conditioning role in edema, dysentery, red eyes, swelling and pain. .


Low-fat and high-fiber

Shepherd’s purse is low-fat, low-calorie, rich in dietary fiber, can improve satiety, and is conducive to assisting lipid-lowering and control weight, prevention of constipation.


High potassium and low sodium

Shepherd’s purse is high potassium and low Sodium food, containing 280 mg of potassium per hectogram, is very suitable for people with high blood pressure.


High calcium content

Shepherd’s purse per 100 grams contains about 294 mg of calcium, which is nearly 3 times that of milk, although it is not as good as milk in absorption rate , but it is also a better way of calcium supplementation. Appropriate consumption has certain benefits for strengthening bones and maintaining normal physiological functions of muscles.


rich in beta-carotene

and other yellow-green vegetables Similarly, the beta-carotene content in shepherd’s purse is also very rich, and the beta-carotene contained in 100 grams of shepherd’s purse is basically the same as that of 120 grams of carrots.

Beta carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body, which is not only good for eye and skin health, but also an indispensable nutrient for many of the body’s defense systems.

In addition, the vitamin C content in shepherd’s purse is equivalent to 200 grams of kiwi fruit, the folic acid content is equivalent to 600 grams of lettuce, vitamin K , magnesium, iron and other content are also very rich, nutritional value can be said to be among the best in vegetables.


There are ways to choose and store shepherd’s purse


How to choose shepherd’s purse?

When choosing shepherd’s purse, it is necessary to distinguish the varieties. Now there are generally two types of shepherd’s purse on the market – large-leafed shepherd’s purse and small-leafed shepherd’s purse.

Large-leaf shepherd’s purse: that is, plate-leaf shepherd’s purse, round leaves, should be selected when the leaves are thin and tender, with no blooming in the middle; Leaves, the leaves grow more scattered, generally thin and thin leaves have better flavor.


How to save the shepherd’s purse?

Shepherd’s purse is fresh in spring, and the time to market is relatively short. If you want to eat it for a long time, you may wish to save it by the following methods:

①Clean the fresh shepherd’s purse;

②Boil water in a pot, add a little salt, and put it in after the water is boiled. Shepherd’s purse, stir quickly and then remove;

③Put cold water to prevent it from turning black, and then squeeze out the water; Store frozen.


Eat shepherd’s purse, try a new way to eat it

Shepherd’s purse There are many ways to eat, cold, stir-fry, soup… Basically, you can’t go wrong. But today, Xiao Er wants to recommend 2 new ways to eat~

Golden Shepherd’s Purse Rolls

The golden shepherd’s purse rolls are finished, the shepherd’s purse and the egg skin are yellow and green, with the color of spring, quite beautiful, the crispy shell is wrapped with the fragrant and delicious shepherd’s purse fish, bringing a fresh feeling to the teeth and aftertaste endless.

Shepherd’s Purse Crystal Shrimp Ball

Source: CCTV home for dinner