Eating one bite is equivalent to “steel ball scraping the liver”, and some people treat them as treasures! Not only does it not keep healthy, but the more you eat, the worse the liver!

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Many people in life are busy at ordinary times, and the pace of life is often very fast. At this time, it may affect their health. ignore.

But in fact, when many diseases come, they are silent, and we have no way to perceive them in time. For example, For our liver, it is the largest detoxification and detoxification organ in the body, and it is also the front line organ of our body. The first time to perceive, this is because there are no pain nerves on the surface of the liver.

But if we want to protect the liver, prevention< /span>, you must pay attention to some aspects in peacetime. Liver health also has a lot to do with diet. A food like this one that we often see in peacetime may seem harmless, but it may be the reason why the liver becomes rotten. Let’s find out together!

These kinds of food are more harmful to the liver than “tobacco and alcohol”, please pay attention: some people still treat it as a treasure, it is best to stay away immediately !


Why does fungus become “deadly” vegetable”?

There is such a dish, many people often eat it at home, especially for some elderly people, who also regard it as a treasure, That’s wood ear.

Eating fungus itself is a kind of fungus with very high nutritional value. For middle-aged and elderly people, eating a little fungus can also clear the blood vessels, clear the garbage and toxins in the blood vessels, and keep our bodies in a healthy and relaxed state.

However, it was reported in the media before that eating fungus caused acute liver failure, and was subsequently sent to the hospital. Into the hospital ICU treatment.

First of all, Dried fungus is innocent, It does not produce toxins by itself. Normal foamed fungus is not poisonous.

Really poisonous fungus

There are two main problems span>:

Excessive foaming time( more than 8 hours);

The foaming temperature is too high (indoor temperature above 20°);

A fungus that meets these two points is easy to breed a bacteria: ①Pseudomonas coco,< /span>Although it is not deadly, it will produce a toxin–②Ricolic acid, It is the killer behind the scenes!

Similar foods to dried fungus are white fungus, shiitake, mushroom, bean skin , yuba, etc. They are easy to deteriorate during the process of foaming, and they breed Pseudomonas cocoa and cause poisoning.

So don’t soak the fungus for too long, generally 10~20 minutes is enough.


Moldy tea leaves, peanut seeds, etc.

Tea itself has the functions of refreshing the mind, digesting food and strengthening the stomach, eliminating dryness and promoting body fluid, nourishing the face and quenching thirst, diuretic and detoxification.But tea also has a shelf life, generally 18 months , it is easy to mold over time.

If you drink moldy or expired tea leaves, it may cause dizziness and diarrhea, and serious organ necrosis.

Doctor said:< span>If you often drink moldy tea leaves, one sip is equivalent to “steel ball scraping the liver”, which will cause great damage to the liver , if you have this moldy, spoiled Tea leaves should be thrown as soon as possible to avoid necrosis of various organs of the body.

In addition, do not eat moldy food at home, such as melon seeds, peanuts and eggs, because they contain Aflatoxinis a world-recognized carcinogen, and it The main carcinogenic organ is the liver, and the intake of aflatoxin will increase the risk of liver cancer;< /span>

So when your food becomes moldy, please throw it away immediately, don’t make trouble for your body, don’t give own liver increases the risk.


Grapefruit: disrupts liver detoxification< /span>

Why did grapefruit become a “liver-damaging fruit”? As a member of citrus fruits, grapefruit is fragrant, sweet and sour. It is a good fruit in itself, but If you don’t understand its taboos, it will change from “angel” to “devil”!

A long time ago, doctors discovered that, >The ingredients in grapefruit and grapefruit can affect the metabolism of drugs in the human body, thereby changing the efficacy of drugs. It also inhibits the activity of liver drug enzymes in the human body and affects the detoxification function of the liver.

Previously, Mr. Liu in Wuhan had muscle dissolution because he took lipid-lowering drugs< /span>After atorvastatin, I ate grapefruit again▽

Chinese patent medicines with unknown ingredients

Many people think that traditional Chinese medicines or proprietary Chinese medicines are “mild and less toxic and side effects”. This idea is wrong.

Because the liver is the “chemical factory” of the human body, the metabolism of the drugs we eat is naturally mainly carried out in the liver.

At present, at least 60 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines and their preparations have been found to cause liver damage, and some Chinese medicines such as bitter almond, edamame root, Qingdai, Chuan neem, mountain bean root, etc., can even directly cause liver damage.

For example, there is a liver-damaging or even deadly plant that some people still use to stew chicken , This is He Shou Wu.

Polygonum multiflorum has thick and plump rhizomes, which can easily give people a feeling of being edible and nutritious. It is also believed to be nourishing in traditional medicine,It can make black hair, so some people eat it to make black hair, or use it to make soup and stew chicken to nourish the body. However, it is not known that He Shou Wu can’t grow black hair, nor can it replenish the body, and eating it may make people die.

The liver function damage caused by Polygonum multiflorum has been reported many times, as early as July 16, 2014, The State Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) reminds that oral administration of Polygonum multiflorum and its formulations may cause liver damage, and revised some medicines containing Polygonum multiflorum preparations manual.

It is currently recognized that anthraquinones in Polygonum multiflorum can cause liver function damage.

In fact, the liver damage caused by Chinese herbal medicine is far underestimated. Because mild or moderate liver damage may not have any symptoms, it will not be detected without physical examination.


Fructose: Sweet liver “killer”!

The main metabolic site of fructose in the body is the liver. Therefore, once you eat too much fructose, it will increase the burden on the liver, causing a large amount of fat to be stored in the liver, causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Because fructose is not like wine, eating too much will cause discomfort or vomiting. Fructose is eaten unconsciously until the excess produces a feeling of fullness, and in the process, fructose has unknowingly harmed our body.

Eating too much fructose, in addition to hurting the liver, will also have other hazards that everyone is familiar with, such as increased uric acid levels and increased risk of gout , increase the risk of diabetes…

Fructose is found in many fruits, such as coconut, According to analysis, per 100 grams span>Coconut meat has 241 calories, 12% fat and 31.3% sugar.

< >but naturalcoconut water is low in sugar and fat, everyone You can drink some properly;

Therefore, it is best to limit the amount of coconut meat when eating coconut.

In addition to natural fruits, many processed foods also contain fructose. Common processed foods with added high fructose include: carbonated drinks, energy drinks, prepackaged bread, Biscuits, snacks, seasonings…

An easy way: always see the ingredients listed strong>“Fructose Syrup”, “High Fructose Corn Syrup”, “Dextrose Syrup”, just It means fructose is added to the food.

Teach you how to nourish the liver easily< /p>

In spring, only by maintaining the vigorous physiological function of the liver can we adapt to the changes in nature. Therefore, in spring, we should pay attention to nourishing the liver.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that “green enters the liver”, and the health of the liver is closely related to the intake of nutrients.

1. Green vegetables are the best for the liver

Dark vegetables, such as green leafy vegetables, are rich in vitamins. Common dark vegetables include green leafy vegetables such as spinach, rapeseed, chrysanthemum, and broccoli, red and yellow vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, and peppers, as well as purple-black vegetables such as amaranth, purple cabbage, eggplant, and onion, which are very harmful to the liver. Good vegetables.

Eating a pound of vegetables every day can supplement the nutrients needed by the liver, which is beneficial to the body.

Second, high-quality protein cannot be less

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The protein contained in fish, shrimp, crab, chicken, duck and poultry, pork, beef and mutton, as well as eggs and dairy products are all “high-quality proteins”, just like the liver’s “repair workers”. “Same.

You can choose low-fat milk or yogurt (1-2 cups a day), fish and shrimp and skinless chicken and duck (one a day) The amount of slap area).

Animal liver is also rich in high-quality protein and vitamin A, but once a week, one or two ounces is almost the same.

Third, eat less sugar with whole grains

The liver plays an important role in regulating blood sugar concentration and maintaining stability. Frequent hunger and a full meal can easily cause a burden to the liver.

It is necessary to eat three meals regularly, eat less frequently, and the staple food should not be limited to refined white rice noodles, but alternately eat various whole grains, whole grains, beans, Potatoes.

Try to eat less sweets and less added sugar. Like white sugar, various candies, sweetened beverages, pastries, fruit juice concentrates, jams and even honey, eat as little or as little as possible. Reduce the risk of obesity and help nourish the liver.

Fourth, do not use health products indiscriminately

The liver is the largest body of the human body” The absorption and metabolism of any drug is closely related to the liver, so we should not “hate the disease and take the medicine”.Excessive use of drugs will increase the burden on the liver, which will be detrimental to the disease.< span>. “Liver protection” products with unknown ingredients may cause chronic liver damage.

Five, pay attention to limit and abstain from alcohol

Alcohol is “poison” to the liver. 90% of alcohol is catabolized by the liver, and drinking alcohol damages the liver first. Drinking one tael of white wine makes the liver busy for 4-6 hours; drinking three taels of white wine makes it difficult for the liver to completely decompose and excrete the alcohol after working hard for a week.

Unprotected, one overdose of alcohol is equivalent to one episode of mild acute hepatitis. Long-term excessive drinking is more harmful to the liver and can lead to alcoholic liver disease. Even after treatment, the liver damage caused by cannot be reversed, and many patients have buried the root cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer /span>.

While doing the above, there is an essential point that is physical examination. A physical exam can help us spot a disease before it gets serious or worse.

Liver, too important “detoxification organ”, be careful in daily life Be healthy; be careful with your diet, pay attention to your life, pay attention to special groups, have regular physical examinations, and hope that everyone’s “liver health score” will be full marks.

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