Eating less is better for longevity? The doctor reminds: dieting needs to be moderate, keep in mind 2 good eating habits

For 5,000 years in China, many people have spent their entire lives searching for ways to live longer. I believe that everyone hopes to live longer and enjoy a better life. At this time, we must pay attention to the management of diet.

We should eat regularly and strictly analyze what can and cannot be eaten. Diet affects people’s longevity in one way, and the right diet can have a dramatic impact on people’s longevity.

An article in the well-known magazine “Nature” claims that dieting is beneficial for prolonging people’s lives, and in another word, Controlling your diet can help you live longer, stick with it, and you’ll see the benefits of dieting.

Is it really what it says at the beginning? Can proper diet really help people’s longevity? Let’s explore it in this article.

One, low calorie helps people live longer

famous Chinese medicine scientist Sun Simeng shared her longevity secrets, saying that dieting and longevity are inextricably linked, dieting can make the human body take in lower calories, and hunger therapy is the most basic The way of wellbeing.

Overeating, overeating, and overeating,not only cause people to suffer from obesity and other diseases, and the root cause of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer.

Overeating not only harms human health, it also reduces people’s quality of life. The World Longevity Organization has conducted research on mice for up to 15 years, saying that if the diet of mice is purposely restricted, their lifespan will increase by 38%.

Applying this data to humans,means that proper dieting can extend beyond the original age of 72 to 108 years old.

Specific results from animal studies are that smaller mammals have faster metabolisms and shorter lifespans. For most animals, calorie intake has a great relationship with longevity, even if the research object is human, it maintains the same concept as the results of animal research .

Second, free radicals can cause human aging

Food enters the human body The body will undergo multiple transformations, and will also produce the product of metabolism – free radicals. Free radicals will accumulate in the human body and cannot be cleared by the body’s immune mechanism and protective barrier. Over time, free radicals will generate oxidative reactions in the human body to induce gene mutation and oxidation. Eventually, it will cause damage to people’s target organs and target systems.

Excessive free radicals exist in the human body, and can also cause people to suffer from diabetes, cancer , Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other chronic diseases.

We can Using such an analogy, the human body is a stable machine, and free radicals are the number and frequency of rusting of the machine. The more times the machine rusts, the less sensitive the machine is. There is a lot of rust that can gradually become decayed, so eating too much food will not only cause us additional damage, but also shorten our lifespan.

Three and two eating habits are conducive to longevity

If you want to control yourself from the diet, let yourself live longer, please eat regularly, control yourself strictly in life, and be a self-disciplined person.

first , reduce the amount of food you eat, and eat only 1/3 of each meal.Dieting is also a healthy way of keeping healthy. Many people say that eating a little bit every day is not enough to satisfy the body’s metabolism and growth. .

In fact, the calories required by the human body only account for 40% of all calories, and each meal is maintained at 1/3 of the normal meal size. can provide enough energy for the body to maintain metabolism every day.

In addition, you should set the time of eating at a special time, pay attention to the timing and quantity of eating, and do not overdo it. span>A regular and quantitative diet is conducive to maintaining the normal function of the gastrointestinal system, which is very important for the work and operation of the body.

Second, rationalize your meals and slow down when eating. Dieting does not mean limiting the intake of protein, minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber, and they should be kept in a certain proportion.

Generally speaking, the amount of staple food is more than the amount of vegetables, and the amount of vegetables is more than the amount of meat, which is the healthiest balanced diet. Although meat will bring people the hidden danger of chronic diseases, we must also ensure the intake of meat products.

However, to reduce the intake of animal skins, many studies have found that lifespan is likely to be affected by dietary intake . People live longer when protein and sugar levels are maintained in a certain ratio.

In modern society, many people are out of breath under the pressure of fast pace, and the same is true when eating. something happened. In fact, this eating habit is not conducive to human health, eating should be slow and delicate, eating slowly is conducive to the normalization of gastric juice Secretion, but also conducive to the digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract.

Fourth, the good habits of longevity people

Next Let’s take a look at the characteristics that accompany longevity. You can compare yourself to these characteristics to see if your body has the potential to live longer.

First, diet. Longevity people maintain a regular diet throughout their lives, believing that disease comes from the mouth, and in fact it does. The occurrence of many diseases is related to irregular diet. Some people are accompanied by wrong diet structure and consume high-fat, high-sugar, and high-salt foods every day, which also leads them to suffer from chronic diseases and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. rate of aging.

And long-lived people not only eat regularly every day, but also avoid overeating This behavior is accompanied by strong digestion.If you want to live a long life, you must pay attention to the combination of food and avoid eating a lot of animal skin and poor quality protein.< /strong>

Be sure to balance vegetables and meats with plant-based Protein-based, so that their metabolic capacity continues to rise.

Secondly, they have their own interests and hobbies. span>Many studies have found that long-lived people are not only accompanied by the habit of exercising, but also cultivate many hobbies, which also make them very fulfilling in life. A long-lived body.

Senior people who don’t like sports, must try to choose the most suitable exercise method for them< span>, let yourself be active to achieve the purpose of longevity.

Be a carpenter, join discussions, plant seeds Flowers and wild vegetables are good choices. Going to the zoo to watch animals can also help your health. Some elderly people often fall into low self-esteem and worry, and over time they suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Seniors who are less active are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than those who enjoy flowers in the park< /span>The first way to open your heart is to communicate and communicate with others often.

Third, long-lived elderly people like to maintain a clean and tidy state in their lives. Compared to non-cleaning people, the long-lived elderly have rejected the interference of allergens, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and molds, and their probability of developing chronic diseases is very low.

Cleaning your living environment regularly is not only good for neurotic episodes, but also for chronic diseases. The probability of occurrence decreases.

If you don’t pay attention to this, be sure to pay attention to hygiene to avoid infection with viruses and bacteria , increase the probability of infectious diseases and bring unique opportunities for bacteria to proliferate in the human body.

Fourth, like drinking water. Drinking water is also the first element of longevity. The growth and metabolism of various cells in the human body, as well as the metabolism and blood circulation of the body require the participation of water. Drinking water in time can maintain the human body in a normal state. It can also promote the metabolism of chemical reactions.

Drinking water in time can promote the excretion of harmful substances from the body, in other words, in various Water is the cheapest among all kinds of elixir.

If you want to live your normal life, increase your water intake.

Fifth, keep enough sleep time and don’t stay up late. Staying up late not only leads to a decline in the body’s organ function, but also affects the immune system. People who stay up late for a long time are faced with abnormal detoxification function of the body, while long-lived people are very concerned about their sleep quality.

Not only effectively improve their own sleep quality, but also increase their sleep time, so that they give time for each organ and system to rest, Helps to boost immunity in all aspects.

Sixth, love vegetables. People who love vegetables live 1/5 longer than others, and the calories in vegetables are 1/5 of those in meat. A vegetable-based diet not only It can promote the health of the human body, and can also inhibit the continuous increase of the activity of antioxidant substances in the human body.

Seventh, quit smoking and drinking. Most long-lived elderly people do not smoke or drink alcohol. They understand that the nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes and alcohol will cause great harm to their bodies.

If you have long-term bad habits of smoking and drinking, please quit them early to avoid smoking and drinking that can put your body in trouble , people who smoke and drink for a long time face a high incidence of chronic lung diseases.

(Quit Smoking)

Eighth, actively control your weight. Longevity not only controls their diet, but also actively controls their weight. The aging of the human body is accompanied by the aging of the organs, the speed of the body’s mental metabolism is reduced, and the coordination of the endocrine system is deteriorated.

Many people can’t wait to satisfy their cravings by eating high-fat foods, high-fat foods, in fact, only by controlling Only by taking good care of your body weight can you effectively control your blood pressure, your blood lipids and blood sugar levels will no longer rise, and will also substantially reduce your risk of developing third-grade chronic diseases and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. .

(Control your weight)

There are many ways to prolong the Longevity, such as increasing the frequency of your own exercise, exercise 30 minutes to an hour a day, and keep exercising 3 to 6 times a week. Several studies have shown thatexercising once a day can increase human lifespan by at least three years, and exercise can reduce the incidence of cancer.

A wide variety of sports to choose from, Such as walking, walking, jogging, cycling, doing housework, climbing stairs. Moderate-to-high-intensity exercise methods include swimming and horizontal bars. If you are an elderly person, please stay away from moderate-to-high-intensity exercise methods. It is best to take walking and slow walking as your long-term choices.

You can also increase your intake of nuts. Nuts contain a variety of essences of food. Eating nuts regularly can enhance people’s development level, and can also enhance people’s immunity and metabolism, which has a good effect on preventing diseases.

Eating 20 grams of nuts per person per day can help In reducing the risk of coronary heart disease by 30% and the risk of cancer by 5%, they lived 2.5 years longer than the average person.


NoBelieve in the panacea on the market, thinking that taking their medicines can have the effect of longevity. At present, how to live a long life is a worldwide problem, and there is no solution that can completely get rid of death. Whether it is a disease or an exogenous factor, it is possible to prolong one’s own life. Continuous decline.

And after a certain amount of life control, you can live longer and have a radiant posture for a long time. I hope this article can bring you some help. Be sure to control your own diet so as to prevent illness from entering your mouth and drag you into a bigger crisis.