Eating is art, and ordering is technology? If you often eat out, these 6 dishes are best not to order

As the saying goes: Eating is an art, and ordering is a skill.

We always advocate healthy eating, but sometimes it is necessary to go out to dinner.

That’s why ordering food becomes a battle of wits between you and the restaurant owner.

Eating out often has many disadvantages

A new study in the American Journal of Hypertension found that eating one extra meal per week increases your risk of developing pre-hypertension by 6%.

This is because eating out tends to make people prefer their favorite foods, which often ignores their health, resulting in unreasonable food ratios, and accidentally ingesting too many high-calorie, high-calorie foods. Fatty foods.

At the same time, in order to cater to the tastes of diners, many chefs often add a lot of salt and additives, such as chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, etc.

Long-term high-sodium diets not only increase hypertension, gastric cancer, and kidney-related diseases, but also skin edema , damaged skin, and throat discomfort, headache, and more.

Analysis from the perspective of health—-for these dishes, it is not recommended to order better

First, dry stir-fried vegetables and dry pot dishes such as Disanxian

Many people may think that stir-frying is relatively healthy rather than deep-frying.

In fact, this is not the case. Although only a small amount of oil is needed for dry cooking, the structure of ingredients such as eggplant itself is like a sponge, which is easy to absorb oil, making this dish a “big oil absorber” , become unhealthy.

Therefore, if you want to be healthier, you might as well change the cooking method. First, steam the eggplant and potatoes, then put a small amount of oil, and stir-fry them quickly with the peppers, so as to reduce the The amount of cooking oil added.

Second, don’t fry the fish well

It stands to reason that fish is rich in DHA, protein and vitamins, which can help prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It should be a very healthy food, but it is a pity.

But squirrel mandarin fish, fried octopus, etc. are often unhealthy because of the cooking method, because the deep-fried processing method makes the fish absorb a lot of oil, and the nutrients are also affected by the high temperature. And damage, not only can not reduce the risk of disease, but also increase health risks.

If you want to eat fish more healthily, you should choose steamed and stewed cooking methods, such as steamed fish.

Third, don’t fry vegetables well

While veggies are healthy, they’re fried, and that’s another story.

During the frying process, the temperature is as high as about 200 degrees, which is much higher than that of stir-frying, which will inevitably destroy most of the vitamins in the ingredients, such as vitamin B, vitamins C, vitamin A, carotene, lycopene, etc. will be greatly lost after frying.

In addition, frying produces a large number of toxic substances that have the risk of cancer, as well as substances that accelerate cell aging, which are extremely detrimental to human health.

Fourth, boiled vegetables

Generally speaking, ingredients such as boiled vegetables and boiled fish are often not “boiled” but “oiled”.

The most important thing is that because oil is not cheap, it is not ruled out that some restaurants will use the oil left from frying to make “boiled dishes”, which can not only increase the intake of fat, but also It is also possible to avoid ingestion of harmful substances.

Fifth, bisque

Many people think that the thick white soup cooked slowly over the old fire is full of nutrition.

But in fact, these white soups are not nutritious, they are full of fat, and some even use some emulsified sugar to make them look good.

In addition, in order to achieve a delicious taste, some old fire soups can be stewed for a long time, but at the same time, purines and fats will also increase. In addition, some soups such as chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, and meat will be added. material, the sodium content is also a lot.

Sixth, sugar and oil mixtures such as fried flour, hemp balls, fried cakes, etc.

In fact, these staple foods contain both oil and sugar, and are quite rich in calories. If they are also paired with staple foods such as rice, it is not conducive to the control of blood sugar and blood lipids.

In addition, there are hot and sour shredded potatoes, which tastes good, but one bowl of shredded potatoes may be equal to three bowls of rice.

So, if you are choosing a staple food, you might as well choose some “flourishing grains”, such as steamed sweet potatoes, corn, purple potatoes… This not only has many tricks, but also helps Blood sugar control and blood lipids.

Perhaps, after seeing this, many people will say — when you finish speaking, what else is there to eat?

Actually, for the sake of everyone’s health, I just hope everyone can eat healthy.

But if you encounter food occasionally, it is naturally the classic TVB line—-Being a person, the most important thing is to be happy!