Eating ginseng tonic for deficiency in dog days, the three types of ginseng, sun-dried ginseng, red ginseng and white ginseng are very different

The dog days are the hottest and hottest times of the year, but are also the golden times of the year for body conditioning In addition to moxibustion every day in the dog days, eating ginseng diet is also one of the ways to make up for the dog days.

Korean people often drink ginseng chicken soup after entering abbot. It is suitable for people who are easy to get tired and sleepy in summer.

The ginseng used in ginseng chicken soup is generally ginseng. Ginseng is divided into several types, and different types have different emphasis..

Ginseng, the essential medicine for consumptive internal injury

Ginseng is sweet, slightly bitter, slightly warm in nature, and returns to the heart, lung, and spleen meridians. Promotes body fluid and quenches thirst, soothes the nerves and improves intelligence. Sweating at every turn), spleen deficiency and heat syndrome (fatigue easily, loose stools due to lack of food), restlessness syndrome caused by qi and blood deficiency (such as palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate), heat disease and both Qi and Jin injuries , body heat, thirst or thirst.

Diseases caused by insufficiency of qi, blood and body fluids can be nourished with ginseng, so ginseng is also known as It is the first medicine for the treatment of consumptive internal injuries.

And the ginseng on the marketdue to the difference in planting methods, it can be divided into wild ginseng and garden ginseng.

How to choose wild ginseng or garden ginseng?

my country’s ginseng is mainly produced in Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and other places.

Wild Ginseng

Wild Ginseng General Definition For Ginseng that has grown naturally in the forest for more than 15 years, the tonic is very powerful, the older one is better, the price is also expensive due to scarcity, and it is suitable for severe physical impairment. It is used for nursing care of the elderly or the elderly and weak. People who do not have obvious weakness may experience excessive supplementation when taking it daily, such as excitement, restlessness, insomnia or anger.

Garden ginseng


Ginseng ginseng is artificially cultivated in ginseng gardens. It is usually harvested in 5-6 years. The tonic strength is not as strong as that of wild ginseng, but it can meet the needs of the general public for daily supplementation and health care , the price is also popular.

Garden ginseng is divided into raw sun-dried ginseng, red ginseng, white ginseng, ginseng whiskers (fibrous roots) and other specifications due to different processing methods.

The dried or dried ginseng is called raw ginseng. The dried product after steaming is called red ginseng. After peeling, it is naturally dried in sunlight or hot air. White ginseng, the thin root of ginseng is called ginseng whisker.

Raw ginseng/red ginseng/white ginseng, different from each other


Sun-dried ginseng is relatively peaceful in nature and is more suitable for people with insufficient qi and yin. The high temperature and heat in summer are easy to consume qi and damage the yin, so raw and sun-dried ginseng is very suitable for people with insufficient qi and yin. The type of ginseng suitable for tonifying Qi and Yin in summer, suitable for most people’s daily dietary use.

Red Ginseng is warm in nature, suitable for people with yang deficiency and cold body People who have cold hands and feet, like to drink hot drinks, and stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time.

White ginsengThe effect is similar to that of raw sun-dried ginseng, but its power is weaker. need to be changed. Friends who want to supplement but are worried about supplementing the fire can consider ginseng, which is more peaceful.

During dog days, according to different physical conditions, choose different types of ginseng, stew a pot of ginseng chicken soup or cook a bowl Ginseng tea is a good summer tonic.

Tips: Eat ginseng for daily therapy in summer, and the per capita dosage is 1 per time 5-10 grams, 2-3 times a month, not too frequent.

When taking ginseng, it is not advisable to eat it with veratrum, Wulingzhi, radish, white radish or strong tea; for young children, ginseng is too strong It is strong and should not be used in daily life. It is easy to cause deficiency and even damage to the body. You can choose Taizishen, Codonopsis or Rhizoma ginseng.

(This article is for professional reference only)

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