Eating ginger in spring with it can be called a natural “stomach-nourishing spirit”! The moisture is also swept away, don’t throw it away as garbage

March is the season when everything grows and is humid and rainy. When the yang energy is rising, people are particularly prone to being trapped by “wet”.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dampness is a yin evil, which is easy to damage the yang qi, and it is easy to damage the spleen and stomach. Therefore, in addition to nourishing the liver, the main points of health preservation should also strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Speaking of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, many people ignore the treasure of ginger.

Ginger with orange peel

Stomach and dampness

Ginger has the functions of dispelling cold and sweating, warming the stomach and stopping vomiting, bactericidal and analgesic, and anti-inflammatory.

Orange peel is acrid, bitter, warm in nature, and returns to the spleen and lung meridians.

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Modern pharmacological studies have shown that orange peel contains volatile oil, hesperidin, tangerine peel, methoxyflavones and other ingredients.

Among them, volatile oil has a mild irritating expectorant effect, and tangerine peel can dilate the bronchial tubes and play an anti-asthmatic effect.

The combination of the two can nourish the stomach, help yang, stop vomiting and remove dampness.

Recommended healthy recipes: ginger orange peel water

Methods: Take 9 grams of ginger and 9 grams of fresh orange peel, wash them, add 500 ml of water, fry them into ginger and orange peel soup, and take twice a day.

Ginger can be paired with two things in addition to orange peel.

Eating ginger in a variety of ways

Dispel cold and promote digestion

01 Ginger soaked in vinegar: promote digestion

Vinegar tastes sour and can be collected. Baking ginger with vinegar can ease the pungent and dryness of ginger, avoid being too spicy, and taste better. It can also stimulate the taste buds and promote digestion.

Vinegar itself can activate blood and relieve pain, and when combined with ginger, it has better effects on nourishing the spleen and stomach and regulating qi and blood.

Method: Cut fresh ginger into thin slices, put them in a ceramic or glass jar, pour in the vinegar, and seal the jar with plastic wrap. Cover and let stand for half a month before eating.

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How to eat: Suitable for people with aversion to cold and cold limbs, deficiency of spleen and stomach yang, and indigestion. 2-4 tablets a day is good, eating more is easy to generate heat, but it is not beautiful.

02 Ginger Perilla Water: Repels Cold

A winter has passed, and the body has accumulated a lot of cold air. In spring, it is easy to get sick if you don’t get rid of the cold in time. In addition, the weather in spring is changeable, and hot and cold alternate frequently. It is easy to catch a cold if you don’t add clothes in time. You can drink some ginger basil water to drive away the cold and prevent colds.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that perilla “governs the lower qi and eliminates the cold.” When paired with ginger, it can sweat and relieve the exterior, dispel cold and strengthen the stomach. Intestinal cold.

Method: 3 grams of ginger and basil leaves each, washed and cut into filaments, add 15 grams of brown sugar, soak in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Ginger has many benefits, and it is also very particular to eat. If you eat it wrongly, it will make your body suffer.

3 tips for eating ginger

I don’t know how to hurt my body

01Bad ginger must not be eaten

Some people say that “rotten ginger doesn’t taste bad.” It doesn’t matter if ginger is bad, as long as the taste doesn’t change.

However, when ginger rots, it will produce a very toxic substance – safrole, which can degenerate liver cells and induce cancer.

Don’t ruin your family’s health just to save some money.

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02 These two types of people should eat less

People with poor liver: Eating too much ginger can easily lead to excessive anger in the human body, which is not conducive to the recovery of liver disease.

People with bad stomach: Eating too much ginger will irritate the gastric mucosa, making the already ulcerated stomach worse.

03Better not to eat at night

As the saying goes, “Eat Jiang Sai arsenic late”, there is a certain truth, but it is not so exaggerated.

Ginger is pungent and warm, and has a certain stimulating effect on the stomach. Eating it at night can easily cause insomnia, and it is easy to produce internal heat. Eating too much will make people angry, especially those with yin deficiency (usually hot hands, feet and heart, weight loss, dry throat) dry mouth, irritability, constipation and night sweats).

A really good time to eat ginger is in the morning.

Eating ginger in the morning can help the spleen and stomach yang qi rise, and has the effect of promoting appetite and invigorating the spirit.

(All Health Talk)