Eat this for dinner!

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Dinner like this!

Dinner should be happy to eat

Working during the day may have bad moods, but don’t let this mood go bring home.

Dinner is the prelude to night life. The quality of the prelude will affect the mood of the family throughout the night. If you eat well, this healthy and happy atmosphere will continue throughout the night.

Don’t criticize and scold your family members during dinner, or it will make people uncomfortable. We must adhere to the principle of “treating guests like family, and treating family members like guests”.

Remember not to use mealtime as a discipline time, and if you want to correct your child’s behavior, do it at another time.

Dinner like this!

Eat dinner early

The peak calcium excretion period is usually 4-5 hours after a meal If dinner is too late, when the calcium excretion peaks, the person has gone to bed and fell asleep, and the urine will remain in the urinary tract such as the ureter, bladder, urethra, etc., and cannot be excreted in time, resulting in the continuous increase of calcium in the urine. The crystals, over time, gradually expand to form stones. So, dinner around 6 p.m. is more appropriate.

Dinner like this!

Avoid large amounts of high-protein foods at dinner

protein, fat at dinner The less you eat, the better. Eating a lot of meat, eggs, cream and other high-protein foods at dinner will increase the amount of calcium in the urine. Osteoporosis; on the other hand, the high concentration of calcium in the urine increases the possibility of suffering from urolithiasis.

In addition, if the human body cannot absorb too much protein, it will stay in the intestine and metabolize After the formation of ammonia, indole, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic substances, long-term stimulation of the intestinal wall may induce cancer.

Dinner like this!

Small dinners

Eating too much dinner can raise cholesterol, irritate The liver makes more low-density lipoprotein and very low-density lipoprotein, which induces arteriosclerosis.

Long-term fullness from dinner and repeated stimulation of massive insulin secretion will often lead to premature failure of insulin beta cells, thus laying the root of diabetes. In addition, a full dinner can also cause the stomach to distend, causing pressure on the surrounding organs. The intense work of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and other organs after a meal will send information to the brain, causing the brain to become active. , induce insomnia.

Dinner like this!

“Go to bed with radish, get out of bed with ginger”

This folk proverb about health makes a lot of sense. The human body has a fixed rhythm throughout the day. In the morning, work and study are intense, and metabolism is relatively strong. Therefore, if you eat some foods that stimulate the body’s excitement, promote heat dissipation, and improve physical vitality in the morning, you can keep people full of energy in the morning.

In the evening, the human body becomes introverted and quiet, and needs to concentrate on repairing tissues and organs. So no more exciting food for dinner and no greasy food that is hard to digest. Foods that are easy to digest, or that aid digestion, reduce heat dissipation, and reduce excitement in the body are good choices for dinner.

Ginger, onion, garlic and other condiments are all foods that warm the human body, they make people feel very energetic, and are suitable for consumption in the morning and morning. Radishes can calm people down. Eating light radishes at night can help digestion and smooth ventilation. In addition to radishes, all kinds of refreshing cold dishes, multi-grain porridge, green vegetables and tofu are all suitable for dinner.

Dinner like this!

“Go to bed with radish and get out of bed with ginger”

Many people like to drink lotus seed soup and lily soup at night because they have a soothing effect effect. If you eat greasy and thick-flavored foods at night, especially beef and mutton, fried foods, plus chili, pepper, onion, ginger, and garlic, it will not be good for your body, and it will go against your health. The way is, it’s easy to get sick over time.

Many medicated diets for dietary conditioning often need to be prepared carefully and calmly. Relatively speaking, the procedures are cumbersome, and there is relatively ample time for dinner preparation. Therefore, dinner is responsible for the heavy responsibility of dietary therapy.

Dinner like this!

Starting today

Have a good dinner, every meal!

Source of content:

Published by People’s Health Publishing House (2nd Edition)”

Author of this book: He Fule