Eat preserved eggs poisoning incident every year? Doctor: It is recommended to heat fully and eat in time

Ma Yanping, Pufan cover news reporter Xu Qing

Green pepper preserved egg, cold preserved egg, because of its unique flavor, fresh, smooth and refreshing, it has become the favorite of many people, but the case of poisoning in the hospital due to eating preserved egg , but also every year.

Recently, Mr. Wang from Luzhou, Sichuan developed epigastric pain after eating cold preserved eggs, diarrhoea, and relieved yellow watery stools more than 10 times. After taking montmorillonite powder and antibiotics on his own, the diarrhea was reduced, but he was exhausted. He immediately went to the Chengbei Emergency Department of the Affiliated Chinese Medicine Hospital of Southwest Medical University for treatment.

Cold preserved eggs. Data Network

After completing the examination and understanding the relevant situation, Chen Hongyu, the attending physician of the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Southwest Medical University, immediately gave him symptomatic treatment such as anti-infection, antispasmodic and pain relief, fluid replacement, and maintenance of water and electrolyte balance. He has recovered and been discharged from the hospital.

Chen Hongyu introduced that the poisoning of preserved eggs happens every year, especially in summer. Common poisoning reactions include vomiting, dizziness, headache and abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc. The causes of poisoning are generally lead poisoning and fungi exceeding the standard.

Chen Hongyu said that with the innovation of processing technology, lead poisoning is rare at present, mainly due to excessive poisoning of fungi. Most of them are excessive Salmonella, which can cause intestinal infection and gastroenteritis symptoms such as severe diarrhea after eating.

Delicious food can be fatal, so how to eat it safely? Chen Hongyu suggested that it be fully heated and eaten in time. Chen Hongyu said that preserved eggs cooked at high temperature are significantly less likely to be poisoned than raw preserved eggs, so try not to eat preserved eggs raw. If you really want to eat cold preserved eggs, it is recommended to scald or steam them with boiling water before eating, which will not damage the flavor and is safe. In addition, pay attention to timely consumption, do not give the opportunity for bacteria to breed.

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I. How to give first aid to preserved egg poisoning?

< p>1. Inducing vomiting: The method of inducing vomiting can be taken within 1-2 hours after eating the food. Take 20 grams of salt, add 200 ml of boiled water, and drink it once after cooling. If you do not vomit, you can drink several times to quickly promote vomiting. You can also use chopsticks, fingers or goose feathers to stimulate the throat and cause vomiting.

2. Catharsis: If the poisoned food is eaten for more than 2 hours and the spirit is still good, laxatives can be taken to prompt the poisoned food to be excreted as soon as possible.

3. Detoxification: Take 100 ml of vinegar, add 200 ml of water, and take it once after diluting. In addition, it can also be taken with fresh milk or other protein-containing beverages.

After the above simple treatment, you should go to the hospital for further examination and treatment as soon as possible.

Second, these kinds of preserved eggs cannot be eaten.

1.The shell is damaged and has mildew spots

2.The shell is not formed and easy to loosen after peeling off

3.The color of preserved egg protein is dark Black

4. There is a pungent stench or a musty smell

3. How to choose preserved eggs?

Take a look: packaged preserved eggs, look at the production qualification mark, shelf life, production date, etc.; bulk preserved eggs, to see if they are intact; normal preserved eggs, after shelling, the protein should be transparent and bright , is tan or brown, the egg yolk is dark green, the center of the egg yolk is paste-like, and the surface of the egg has a crystal pattern.

Two shakes: The preserved eggs are shaken next to the ear. The preserved eggs of good quality have no sound, while the poor ones have sound. The louder the sound, the worse the quality, even bad or rotten eggs.

Three smells: good preserved eggs have a strong alkaline fragrance, and inferior preserved eggs have a pungent stench or musty smell, do not eat them.

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