Eat more “green” and less “red”, the heart and blood vessels will really “grate” to you

At 3:00 pm on April 26, the Guangzhou Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference on “double coordination” of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, inviting the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Transportation Bureau, The relevant responsible comrades of the control center reported the situation of Guangzhou’s new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

Zhang Zhoubin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Spokesperson of the Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said at the meeting that starting from April 16, Guangzhou will fully realize a social zero, prevention and control areas, management and control areas, and closure and control areas. The district is also continuing to adjust dynamically, and primary and secondary schools have also resumed offline classes. At present, the emergency response work of this epidemic has basically ended, and it has entered the stage of normalized prevention and control.

In the past ten days, in the face of a new round of epidemics, Guangzhou has fully implemented the responsibilities of the territory, departments, units and individuals through the mobilization of the whole city. With concerted efforts and perseverance, Guangzhou has finally achieved The achievements of “clearing the social aspect”, “basically blocking the community transmission of the epidemic” and “transferring to the normalized prevention and control stage”. It can be said that Guangzhou’s dynamic reset policy has withstood the test, as has the hard-earned prevention and control system. In this process, the staff, volunteers and all citizens who have devoted themselves to the prevention and control have contributed greatly.

At the same time, this press conference also revealed that the current epidemic of new coronary pneumonia abroad is still at a high level, and local clusters of epidemics have also occurred in many provinces and cities in China. The epidemic prevention and control situation is complicated and severe. As the southern gate of China, Guangzhou has frequent flow of people and trade in goods with other cities at home and abroad. Now is far from the time for optimism.

You can’t be blindly optimistic, because the moment is facing an important node: the May Day holiday.

When the holiday comes, there will inevitably be an increase in the mobility of people and more gathering activities. Considering the characteristics of Omicron’s hidden transmission without knowing it, it is obvious that in order to consolidate the hard-won epidemic The results of prevention and control, to keep the bottom line of preventing a large-scale rebound of the epidemic, not only cannot be optimistic at the moment, but also need to be extra careful to take precautions early.

How to prevent? In a word, it is still necessary to unrelentingly implement the general strategy of “foreign defense against import, internal defense against rebound” and the general policy of “dynamic clearing”, and it is still necessary to consolidate the “quartet responsibilities” of localities, departments, units and individuals .

Consolidating their respective responsibilities means that relevant prevention and control measures not only cannot be slackened due to the clearing of the social dimension, but also need to be considered more in response to the characteristics of increased holiday mobility and increased gathering activities. Be careful. Organs, enterprises and institutions should continue to strengthen their main responsibilities. If they need to scan site codes, employees need to carry out nucleic acid testing on a regular basis, and employees need to carry out health monitoring, they should not be too troublesome, and no one should be missed.

For key places such as transportation stations, logistics parks, industrial parks, wholesale markets, catering and entertainment, libraries, etc., how much traffic will increase during the holidays, and how much manpower and material resources will be needed for prevention and control? , it is necessary to conduct a timely rehearsal at the moment, and strive to be prepared.

To take care of Guangzhou, one cannot be missing. At this press conference, the relevant departments especially thanked the general public, and especially paid tribute to the understanding and cooperation of the residents and friends in the control area. The understanding and cooperation from the citizens, combined with the thunderous actions of the relevant departments, together constitute a powerful force defending Guangzhou. Next, this force still has to exert its greatest effect.

As far as residents are concerned, holidays represent leisure and happiness, but due to the special period, the obligation of personal prevention and control cannot be forgotten. On the one hand, it is necessary to strictly abide by regulations such as itinerary reporting and health management. Wearing masks, washing hands frequently, not gathering together, not gathering, maintaining good hygiene habits and a healthy lifestyle, and even actively vaccinating against the new crown are actually the manifestations of the citizens’ great love for Guangzhou.