“Eat less, live longer”? The smaller the appetite, the slower the aging speed? The doctor speaks the truth

Life is just a piece of chicken feathers in one place. Eating and sleeping is something that I have to experience every day. I cannot eat without firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea.

After drilling wood to make fire, the Chinese people ended the era of eating raw meat, and since then they have started steaming, boiling, stewing, frying and boiling , roasting, frying and other cooking methods.

Eating constitutes a large proportion of life, which not only enriches people’s life, but also supports the foundation of human reproduction , more conducive to maintaining healthy development of the body.

After the development of material living standards, modern diets for men and women began, hoping to eat better, in order to harvest To be healthy, everyone began to spend a lot of time making choices in the car, carefully counting calories and heat, especially about oil, sugar, and salt.


Are people really eating healthy?

“The Lancet” once published a large-scale heavyweight study in the field of global diet, as long as the study of more than 190 Analysis of mortality and disease caused by diet structure in all regions of the country, according to the data:

In 2017, diet-related deaths accounted for About 27%, according to research calculations, it is equivalent to the death of more than 10 million people caused by poor eating habits. China ranks first in the number of deaths caused by poor eating habits.

China has a large population base and a vast territory, accounting for the largest population in the world. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by poor diet lead to death. The mortality rate of cancer increased to 59.35%, and the mortality rate of cancer increased to 14.92%, both of which were among the highest in the world.

According to clinical medical researchers, it is found that the intake of salt in Chinese dietary habits far exceeds the standard set by the World Health Organization. , However, the intake of grains, fruits and vegetables is not up to standard.

The food problem is very similar to the problem faced by the whole world, and even the problem in China is more prominent. This is probably because China, which has a rich food culture, is eating There is not enough research on the issue.

There are even nutritionists who have calculated that a person can eat about 10 tons of food in their lifetime. Die, is this claim true or false? Let’s find out together.


“Eating less , live long”? The smaller the appetite, the slower the aging speed? Doctors tell the truth

According to research: Properly explained, lifespan can be extended across species, including toothed animals , mammals, fruit flies, etc.

German medical researchers once published a research report in the journal: Proper restriction of amino acid intake can maximize the molecular mechanism of prolonging lifespan .

During the research process, it was found to limit the use of certain types of essential amino acids, including nitrogen amino acids, branched chain amino acids, leucine and other components Can prolong people’s lifespan, improve the quality of life in old age, and suffer from disease analysis.

The Harvard Medical Research team also published a research report: indirect eating is more helpful for protecting mitochondria and immunity Systemic, mitochondrial and immune system metabolism tends to stabilize, which can extend lifespan.

But it should be noted that lower dietary intake does not It does not mean that starving and eating too little will lead to nutritional imbalances and increase the risk of death, so how should we control and reduce food intake?

According to the recommendations of the Chinese Residents’ Dietary Collection: As an ordinary adult, you should eat 1200 grams to 1835 grams of food a day, but everyone’s The physique is different, and the digestive ability of the gastrointestinal tract is also different. Due to factors such as age and disease, the amount of food and the absorption of food are different.


What is light fasting ?

Light fasting as a way to lose fat and lose weight is to eat normally 5 days a week and reduce food intake on two days. In these two days, the food intake is about 1/3 of the usual amount. Using this weight loss method can restore the body to the most natural state, so as to achieve the purpose of losing weight.

Especially for female friends, fasting has been the most popular way to lose weight in the past two years, and it is also one of the most commonly used by yoga and fat-reducing people.


Internationally recognized A popular explanation is indirect fasting

Indirect fasting is also known as light fasting, depending on the individual’s physical fitness and The degree of obesity is subdivided into different embodiments, which can be divided into the following categories:

1, 16:8 light fasting method, which also That is to say, during the day, 16 hours minus 18 hours of eating, reducing carbohydrate and calorie intake.

2, 5:2 fasting method, during this week, choose to diet on any two days, and maintain a normal diet for the other 5 days, with light fasting Daily energy intake should be controlled, girls should not exceed 500 calories, and boys should not exceed 700 calories.

3, 24-hour fasting method, in a week or two weeks, there are 48 hours or 24 hours of no food at all.

4. The light fasting method every other day, one day dieting and one normal eating cycle, which means one day every two days, one day every three days Fasting for a day can help you lose weight.


If you want to lose weight healthily , which diets are most effective?

1. DASH diet

This diet is the most popular in Europe and the United States. It is an extension of the hypertension prevention program. It is mainly used as a dietary adjustment to reduce the risk of hypertension. It is also the number one best diet in the global diet list. diet method.

In the process of eating, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, mainly whole grains, and reduce the intake of fat and salt. Intake, eat some low-fat milk, nuts, soybeans, etc. appropriately, and supplement the body with unsaturated fatty acids.

2. Mediterranean Diet Pattern

In foreign countries, people who insist on losing weight recommend the Mediterranean diet pattern.The Zhonghai dietary pattern is more conducive to the physique of the Chinese people. After it was introduced into my country, nutritionists have compared it and made more effective improvements to this pattern.

Originally, people are required to eat as much food as possible every day, and to eat a variety of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, Beans, milk, meat, etc., cook as simple as possible, retain the original taste of the food, and reduce the fat content.

3. Film and television mode in Jiangnan area

The Jiangnan region is known as the land of fish and rice in China, with rich and diverse food types. The eating pattern in this region is more suitable for health preservation.

Rice is the main staple food. In daily life, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables with a reasonable mix of meat, accounting for about 55% of the total. , I like to eat fish, shrimp and pork. The screening method is relatively light, with less oil and less salt. It is a relatively healthy standard eating pattern in the country.

#Aile Health Guide#