Eat fruit for meals, eat two heart diseases? Doctor: This kind of “health” method is not

Not long ago, Ms. Liu, a 60-year-old woman from Fuzhou, went to the hospital for a check-up because of chest tightness and shortness of breath, but was found to have two fatal diseases one after another. The cause of her illness was actually related to her usual “health care”.

The woman with chest tightness and shortness of breath has abnormal cardiac performance

Lin Jianzhen, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of Fujian Provincial Organ Hospital

When she was walking, she suddenly felt that her heart was blocked and grabbed it. The feeling of tight squeeze can be relieved by stopping and resting for five to ten minutes. Even when it is serious, when I lower my head and lift the fruit basket, I feel that my heart is very blocked.

According to Ms. Liu’s description, she has been suffering from chest tightness and shortness of breath for two years, but in the last month, her condition has gotten worse. So the doctor did an electrocardiogram for her, and found something abnormal.

Lin Jianzhen, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Cardiology, Fujian Provincial Organ Hospital

In addition to angina pectoris, she also suffered from angina pectoris while exercising. There is obvious myocardial ischemia on the electrocardiogram. Doing echocardiography, we found that the heart movement was uncoordinated, and we further performed a CTA of the coronary artery for her.

Over 90% of heart vessel stenosis is related to eating fruit

Coronary CTA refers to the angiographic imaging examination of the coronary arteries of the heart, which can meticulously examine the blood vessels on the heart. presented. Because of Ms. Liu’s obvious symptoms, doctors suspected that her heart had been damaged, and the real reason was a major problem with the most important blood vessel in the heart.

Lin Jianzhen, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Cardiology, Fujian Provincial Hospital

We can see the middle part of the anterior descending coronary artery, completely It’s almost blocked. This is 90% to 99% stenosis. If this acute ischemia is more serious, if you don’t come to see a doctor, it may be acutely blocked, and it will be a complete infarction, then myocardial infarction. The sudden death rate is high.

The doctor’s examination found that Ms. Liu’s heart vessels, including the coronary arteries, were not only generally narrowed, but also in a very bad condition, with atherosclerosis in the vessel walls. Doctors say that with just one sharp fluctuation in blood pressure, the blood clot will break off from the blood vessel wall and immediately block the blood vessel.

And all this is actually caused by the patient eating fruit? !

Lin Jianzhen, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Cardiology, Fujian Provincial Organ Hospital

Glucose and blood lipids are toxic. Damage, causing damage to the vascular endothelium, and slowly the blood vessels narrowed. So for the heart, if the cardiovascular stenosis exceeds 50%, it will become coronary heart disease.

Diabetes “equals” heart disease!

The doctor pointed out that diabetic patients who have been sick for more than 10 years have the same serious risk of myocardial infarction as coronary heart disease patients, so diabetes is also called “coronary heart disease equivalent risk disease”, so diabetic patients live on their own. Management is important.

The doctor said that the problem of blood sugar is nothing more than intake and consumption. Therefore, to control blood sugar, it is important to “keep your mouth and open your legs” and exercise properly. It also helps in the control of blood sugar balance.

The doctor recommends

a moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for half an hour a day, that is, brisk walking or jogging. During the exercise, a little sweat, a little fever, and a little tiredness are enough.