Eat a little more of this food every day, the risk of cancer and early death may increase, don’t be gluttonous no matter how hungry you are

People take food as their heaven. Many nutrients cannot be synthesized by themselves and can only be obtained from food. Nowadays, people’s food culture is getting richer and richer, and many people prefer ultra-processed foods, such as instant noodles, pizza, milk tea, hamburgers, and french fries. Did you know that eating these foods regularly can be addictive and life-threatening.

What happens if you regularly eat ultra-processed foods?

1. Obesity

The premise of consuming the same amount of nutrients, dietary fiber, sugar and sodium The higher the intake of ultra-processed foods, the faster the weight gain, so regular consumption of ultra-processed foods can lead to obesity.

2. Affects growth and development

Research shows that regular consumption of ultra-processed foods can reduce It hinders growth and development, affects bone strength, and especially damages bone growth in developing children.

3. Speed ​​up aging< /p>

Fats, proteins and sugars are processed at high temperatures and for long periods of time to produce advanced glycation end products, toxic compounds that speed up the aging process and increase the risk of diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

What are ultra-processed foods?

Ultra-processed foods are foods that are ready to eat right out of the bag, including bacon, bacon, cured meats, and slabs of chocolate, as well as biscuits, instant noodles, cakes, and frozen foods, as well as bacon. Ultra-processed foods are high in fatty acids, salt, and sugar, and are high in calories. Many nutrients are lost during processing. Regular consumption can increase the risk of chronic diseases and increase the chance of premature death.

What are the common ultra-processed foods?

1. Processed meat products

Meat that has been cured, smoked, and fermented All are known as processed meats, such as beef sauce, sausages, sausages, bacon, and ham and bacon. In order to prolong the storage time and improve the taste, too much salt is added to processed meat products, and uncontrolled consumption can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and stomach disease; most processed meat products are high in fat, and can produce Carcinogens such as nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

2, refined grains

The common refined grain snacks, white bread and cakes in daily life cause the loss of vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals, and the nutritional value is greatly reduced. Coupled with the addition of too much sugar and other seasonings in the production process, uncontrolled eating may cause obesity, increase the risk of dental caries and diabetes. Such as French fries, sachima and egg yolk pie, etc., too much oil is added in the production process, especially hydrogenated vegetable oil, which may contain trans fatty acids. Excessive consumption can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Candy

Candy has a very low nutrient density and high energy Eating can induce obesity, dental caries and diabetes.

4. Seasoned nuts

Seasoned nuts are fried, roasted and Seasoning treatment, which loses vitamins, proteins and essential fatty acids, increases sugar and salt content, and often damages health.


Minimize the frequency of eating out, use less seasonings when cooking food, and replace some artificial seasonings with onion, ginger, garlic, lemon juice, and coriander. Make a good diet, eat less processed meat products, puffed and fried foods, and eat fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and dietary fiber. When buying processed foods, you should look carefully at the ingredient list, and do not buy any products that contain more than 5 ingredients.

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