Eat a hard-boiled egg in the morning, what happens after a while? Suggestions for poor liver

As a common ingredient, eggs are a must-have food in every family. In addition to containing a lot of high-quality protein, eggs The lecithin, egg yolk, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients meet the body’s needs for nutrients, and are precious “nutrients” that cannot be replaced by other foods. #xiafanghealthguide#

There are many ways to cook eggs. In addition to making boiled eggs, you can also fry eggs, scramble eggs, Making egg soup, pickled eggs, egg custard, boiled eggs, egg delicacies made by different production methods will bring different tastes and taste buds experience.

Boiled eggs are the most common way to cook eggs and are suitable for people who are losing weight. Eat a boiled egg in the morning, It can increase the basal metabolic rate, accelerate the burning and consumption of fat, and shape a good figure.

Some people like to eat boiled eggs, of course, some people don’t. It is too choking to eat. Apart from these two shortcomings, what benefits will it bring to the body if you insist on eating a boiled egg every morning?


Eat a hard-boiled egg in the morning, what happens after a while? Suggestions for poor liver

1. Liver care< /p>

The liver is an important organ for metabolism and detoxification. Whether it is drugs, food or other toxins and waste, it will eventually flow into the liver for catabolism. People with poor liver can do it every morning. Stick to one poached egg.

The lecithin and vitellogenin contained in eggs can repair damaged liver cells, improve liver regeneration, and accelerate the discharge of toxic waste. Reducing the burden on the liver is a rare nutritional product for nourishing the liver and protecting the liver.

2. Improve memory

eggs The content of nutrients and vitamins in it is relatively high, especially it contains a lot of choline, which can repair brain nerves and enhance memory, which is very suitable for people who use the brain frequently.

Elderly people who insist on eating a boiled egg every morning can activate brain activity and effectively prevent Alzheimer’s.

3. Lose weight

In life, most women pay special attention to maintaining their body, and often adopt the method of dieting to lose weight, but it is easy to cause malnutrition for a long time, which makes the body prone to problems.

Friends who are in the period of weight loss can eat a boiled egg every day, which can enhance satiety, increase basal metabolic rate, and accelerate body fat consumption and burning, it will also help with weight loss.

4. Improve immunity

The reason why the human body can resist the attack of viruses and bacteria is entirely because the human body contains the immune system. Therefore, as a defense line in the human body to protect human health, it plays an important role in our human body.

However, in some cases, our body’s immunity will be affected, so the body’s ability to resist viruses and bacteria will decline, making the body susceptible to disease. The decline in immunity may be caused by the loss of nutrients in the body.

For people with low immunity in the body, doctors recommend eating boiled eggs every day, which will have a significant effect on improving immunity. It is rich in protein, which can repair immune cells and accelerate the appearance of immune cells.

5. Protect eyesight

Eyes are the windows to the soul. With the invention of various electronic products, more and more young children are addicted to the world of the Internet and cannot extricate themselves. They often use electronic products, play mobile phones and watch TV for a long time. , the blue light radiated from the electronic screen has a strong damage to the eyes, and is prone to dry eyes and astringent eyes, aggravating eye fatigue and increasing myopia rate.

Eating a boiled egg every day is to protect children’s eyes invisibly. Eggs contain a variety of nutrients, including lutein and carotene that protect eyes. When we overuse our eyes, it is recommended to Add a boiled egg to your child every day, and after a period of time, your child’s eyes will improve significantly.

Frequent overuse or long eye contact Office workers who spend time staring at computers may wish to eat more carrots and eggs to protect their eyesight.

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6. Breast cancer prevention span>

Breast cancer is the primary killer that threatens women’s health. The probability of women suffering from breast cancer in China is as high as 38.5%~54.7%. The number of women with cancer has reached 893,000, and the mortality rate is as high as 25.8%. The high outbreak of breast cancer and the high mortality rate seriously affect women’s health and increase psychological pressure.

The vitamin D component contained in the surface mucosa of eggs can effectively promote the healthy development of human bones, and at the same time, it also effectively promotes the repair ability of the cell surface, and to a certain extent, promotes the capillaries in the mammary glands. Flow speed to avoid caking and nodule problems.

Women with breast nodules can insist on eating an egg every morning, which can effectively prevent breast cancer, eliminate nodules and protect breast health.


Is eggs good for the liver?

The most direct benefit of eating eggs is protein supplementation. In addition to protein, eggs contain a variety of amino acids and proteins. , It can play a significant role in the repair of liver cells, so it can maintain the normal operation of the liver, and if you insist on eating an egg every day, the liver will be significantly improved.

Patients with liver disease may wish to insist on eating 1~2 eggs a day. It should be noted that due to the high cholesterol content in egg yolk, it is not suitable for Eat more, otherwise it will increase the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood vessels, affect blood flow, and induce hyperlipidemia.

Because of the slow metabolism of hepatitis B patients, excessive consumption of eggs will also increase the burden on the liver and cause liver cirrhosis. It is recommended that patients with liver disease should obey before eating eggs The advice and guidance of a professional doctor would be better.


Who is not suitable for eat eggs?

(1) People with high body temperature

Eggs contain a lot of protein. After this substance enters the body, it can generate a lot of heat and the body temperature is high. It is best not to eat eggs for patients who are in the fever stage, otherwise they will Affect the body’s fever and increase the body’s infection rate.

(2) Hypercholesterolemia patients

The cholesterol contained in egg yolk is high, the cholesterol content per 100 grams of egg yolk is as high as 543 mg. If you are a person with hypercholesterolemia, it is best not to eat eggs, otherwise it will cause cholesterol and triglyceride in blood vessels. The level continues to rise, affecting the recovery of the disease.

(3) Nephropathy patients

The kidney is an important organ for metabolic detoxification. People with insufficient kidney function or severe kidney disease should not eat eggs.

Eggs are high-protein foods. Excessive intake of eggs will disturb the hormone levels in the body, cause water and sodium retention, and aggravate the occurrence of kidney disease.

(4) People with egg allergy

People who have severe allergic reactions to eggs, ingest protein-containing foods, local redness, swelling, heat pain, and poor breathing should not eat eggs, otherwise severe allergic reactions will be induced, and even in critical situations. Adverse complications such as anaphylactic shock.

(5) People with iron deficiency anemia

Clinical medicine shows that the symptoms of anemia are divided into two types: iron-deficiency anemia and physiological anemia. The symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia are accompanied by long-term insufficient protein intake. The best treatment method is to take drugs.

It is unrealistic to use boiled eggs for a long time to supplement the iron that is lacking in the body, and to a certain extent, it is not conducive to The stable metabolism of self-oil and protein components increases the risk of chronic metabolic diseases.