Easter, may you drink this glass of wine and be resurrected with blood

Easter is the first Sunday after the full moon after the vernal equinox every year. Easter, as one of the most important festivals in Christianity, is the day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, symbolizing rebirth and hope. In addition to painting eggs, Westerners will drink wine to celebrate Easter. Do you know why?

According to the “Bible”: After Jesus preached for three years, he had a premonition that he was about to be tortured to death, so at the Last Supper with his disciples, he distributed red wine to everyone and Said: “This is my blood, to be poured out for you and all.” The disciples of later generations held mass in memory of Jesus, and an important part of the mass was drinking wine.

Westerners believe that wine is both a medium of homage to God and a delicacy given by God. It is a symbol of the blood of Jesus, as sacred and precious as holy water. Whenever you work overtime, stay up late, feel low, or have a cold or fever, drinking a glass of wine will instantly bring you back to life.

Westerners drink wine at Easter, hoping to reinvent themselves as soon as possible and embark on a new journey. Therefore, red wine is an essential drink for Easter. Easter is approaching, why not open a bottle of wine with family and friends to celebrate and rejuvenate your state!

What wine is best for Easter For drinking, it is undoubtedly the Carmen A133.

Carmen A133 is produced in the Central Valley, a famous producing area in Chile. , plump and rich. A small sip, cherry, blueberry, chocolate and vanilla aromas linger between the teeth, the entrance is lively and unique, with delicate and elegant tannins, and a long-lasting sweet aftertaste.

In addition to its excellent taste performance, Carmen A133 is also inextricably linked to Christianity. Baron Leboeuf, the first-generation owner of Camartina winery, is a devout Christian.The Bible is given to wine, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Carmen A133 is a wine that grew up with the Bible.

The reason why Baron Leboeuf did this had a lot to do with his early half-life exile. After the baron was washed by the waves to Easter Island, he dedicated his piety to the giant statue, and his luck continued. The Baron established Camartina winery in Chile and it has been passed down to this day, and now every bottle of wine produced by the winery is marked with the “Chilean Easter Island Statue”. In the words of the current owner: This is the spirit of gratitude and family inheritance. On the other hand, it is also a hope to bring good luck to everyone.

Due to the epidemic, although everyone cannot go out to play. But we can still drink a cup of hopeful Carmen A133 with our family and spend a warm Easter together. The little bunny has already hidden easter eggs at the door, hoping that when he goes out in the future, the new life and hope will come together as in previous years.