Early occurrence, rapid development, and difficult prevention and control. Combining prevention and control with science and technology helps visual health innovation

People’s Daily Health Client Reporter Gao Ruirui

“At present, myopia in children and adolescents still presents the status quo of early occurrence, rapid development, and difficult prevention and control. According to relevant national statistics, the myopia rate of children and adolescents in 2018 was 53.6%, and by 2020, it has been It has dropped to 52.7%. Although there are certain results, it is still more than 50% in general, so the high incidence of myopia in children and adolescents and the trend of younger age cannot be ignored.” Director of the Contact Lens Safety Monitoring and Vision Health Committee of the China Health Management Association Member Xie Peiying said.

On March 14, Xie Peiying, Chairman of the Contact Lens Safety Monitoring and Visual Health Committee of China Health Management Association, Ren Guoquan, Executive Vice President of China Health Management Association, Beijing Tongren Hospital Yizhuang Branch Zhang Fengju, Director of the Medical Optometry Department, Guo Xi, Secretary General of the Contact Lens Safety Monitoring and Visual Health Committee of the China Health Management Association, and Ge Jingzhen, Executive Vice President of Zhizhen Eye Health, were guests. The light session focused on how technology can help the innovation and breakthrough of visual health.

Move the barrier forward and combine prevention and treatment to reduce the rate of myopia in children and adolescents

“At present, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents can reach more than 50%, which has become a major public health problem. In fact, hospitals can only solve medical problems related to the treatment of diseases, but children The prevention and control of juvenile myopia is not only limited to hospitals, but also involves children’s living places, which requires extensive attention from the society.” said Ren Guoquan, executive vice president of China Health Management Association.

Ren Guoquan believes that the concept of health management needs to be transformed from treating diseases as the center to the health maintenance of the entire life cycle of the human body, which is also an important guiding principle in the Healthy China Action. For the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, we must adhere to the principle of prevention, combine prevention and treatment, and move the barrier of prevention forward. By popularizing visual health knowledge, children and adolescents can consciously establish good living habits and improve their comprehensive literacy, so as to solve the problem of high myopia rate in children and adolescents.

“At present, although the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents has decreased, it has not yet reached the ideal data. What we are most worried about is the development of high myopia and pathological myopia in children and adolescents, which will lead to Blind eye disease, which is why we should start from the baby.” Zhang Fengju said that although there are many clinical interventions, whether each child’s personalized means can meet the needs of prevention and control requires us to use big data in the clinic and through Evidence-based medicine establishes a system of precise prevention and control, so that our data can be further implemented. At the same time, we also need to cultivate a large number of professionals in optometry, and do a solid job in the popularization of myopia prevention and control. Only in this way can we truly solve the problem of myopia in children and adolescents. question.

Early file creation, early screening, and use technology to help visual health innovation and breakthrough

“Myopia screening for children and adolescents is a very important matter. Only through large-scale screening can we obtain the most accurate data, and with these data, we can guide children in the future. However, in the actual screening process, there are still two problems: First, the national screening is not uniform and the level is uneven; second, the screening lacks standardization, accuracy and convenience, which eventually leads to There are some problems in the validity and safety of the collected data.” Xie Peiying introduced.

“At present, the difficulties in the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents are mainly concentrated in two aspects: one is science popularization; the other is the two tasks of early filing and screening.” Guo Xi believes that firstly We need to use the Internet technology in the 5g era to allow our screening data to be aggregated and tracked. In addition, we need to connect every family and let these parents pay attention to the visual development of their children, so as to form a benign start.

Ge Jingzhen said that Zhizhen Health has always been committed to the application of AI, big data and other technologies to the national visual health management. We have used AI technology to assist in the diagnosis of fundus readings. In addition, from screening to prevention and control to the daily supervision of parents, the products in each link are useful and require the assistance of AI and other technologies to achieve standardized data collection. Platform-based data management and intelligent intervention reminders enable personalized and precise myopia prevention and control for children and adolescents.

Guo Xi said that in the future, we still need to focus on two aspects of work, one is to participate in popular science education, and the other is to go to the grassroots level to provide training opportunities for grassroots medical staff and improve their skills. The level of myopia prevention and control in children and adolescents can go deep into the grassroots level, and the hospital, parents, and school personnel from different social environments can be united. Only in this way can children and adolescents comprehensively prevent and control myopia and finally reach an ideal level.