Early menstruation or late menstruation, which is worse for the body? Analyze one by one for you

Why doesn’t my aunt always come on time?

This month is a few days early, and the next month is a few days later. It is really annoying when you arrive early and wait until you are anxious!

What is even more worrying is that menstruation is often so irregular, will it be bad for the body?

Don’t worry, Zhimei called an obstetrician and talked about it.

First of all, in fact, many people’s “irregular menstruation” is a false alarm, because the standard for calculating “big aunt” is wrong from the beginning.

A normal cycle should be calculated like this:

Under the premise of previous menstrual regularity, if the aunt’s visit is earlier than usual or more than 7 days later than usual, it is the real menstrual advance & delay.

What we should do is to record our menstrual period and find out the abnormality as soon as possible; if it is delayed by more than 7 days, seek medical help as soon as possible.

Many menstrual disorders are related to changes in state. At this time, as long as these influencing factors are excluded, it will gradually return to normal. These factors include contraceptive means and emotional state, among others.

If you have recently used an IUD, used a subcutaneous implant, missed or improperly taken a combined oral contraceptive, or taken emergency contraception, you may have Let menstruation “come” earlier.

If you take emergency contraceptives more often, high-efficiency progestogens from in vitro sources may inhibit ovulation and cause menstrual disorders.

These conditions can be quickly recovered by stopping or adjusting the medication [2].

Mental stress can make your period come on early or late. But the good news is that stress relief, adequate sleep, regular diet, and quitting smoking and drinking are all within your control, as long as you actively adjust them, you don’t need to worry too much.

1. Beware of abnormal bleeding

Some diseases, such as endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids, endometrial cancer, etc., may be mistaken for “early menstruation” due to bleeding and increased menstrual flow [2] ].

2. Pregnancy

If you are a woman of childbearing age and have a normal sex life, the first thing to do with late menstruation is to check: Is it pregnant.

At this time, you can use a pregnancy test stick to rule out pregnancy; you can also go to the hospital for blood test or B-ultrasound to confirm.

3. Too much weight change

Excessive weight loss or excessive weight gain may affect menstruation.

Human adipose tissue is not only a simple energy storage, but also has an important endocrine function, participating in the metabolism of sex hormones in the human body and promoting the production of estrogen.

Therefore, if the body fat is too low, it may cause the synthesis of estrogen in the body to decrease, and the menstruation may be delayed.

However, excess fat can also cause endocrine disorders and delay menstruation [3,4].

If your period is delayed, also consider whether you are overweight, or whether you have lost too much weight recently due to weight loss or dieting.

4. Endocrine system problems

Premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovary syndrome and other gynecological diseases[5], chronic diseases such as diabetes, chronic hepatitis, tuberculosis, (ovarian, adrenal) tumors, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism[6] , may interfere with the endocrine function of women, resulting in irregular menstruation, which may be delayed or advanced, or even lose the regularity and become “chaotic”.

Therefore, if the menstrual period is suddenly advanced for no reason, you must communicate with the doctor in time to accurately find the cause [2].

Summary in 3 sentences

Early & late menstruation is not good, and sometimes the reason for early & late menstruation may be the same.

Don’t take chances, once the aunt is more than 7 days ahead or delayed, it is best to consult a doctor;

Of course, don’t blindly take medicine just to urge your aunt to come or drive her away.

Zhimei wishes you who see here will have a “punctual” aunt.


Liu Haifang| Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University


[1] Xie Xing, Kong Beihua, Duan Tao. Obstetrics and Gynecology (Ninth Edition) [M]. People’s Health Publishing House. 2018.

[2] Zhou Jianhong, Ma Linjuan. The etiology, diagnosis and treatment of frequent menstruation [J]. Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2016,32(12):892-894.

[3]Zhang E,LiX.Zhang B.ct al. Relationship between obesity and menstrual disturbances among women of reproductive age Abstractsof the 23rd Great Wall Intemational Congress of Cardiology,Asia Pacific Heart Congress 2012. October 11-14.2012Beijing.ChinaHeart2012.98 Suppl2:E1-319.

[4] Yu Qi, Jin Lina. Abnormal weight and amenorrhea [J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2008, 24(12): 898-900.

[5] Chinese guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome[J]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2018, 53(01): 2-6.

[6]Yao Yuanqing,Wang Hui. The etiology, diagnosis and treatment of oligomenorrhea[J].Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology,2016,32(12):890-892.

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