During the rainy season, the stomach is very fragile and needs to be well maintained

[Source: Wenzhou Net]

Wenzhou Net News During the rainy season, due to the high air humidity, the water in the body is difficult to evaporate, and the gastrointestinal motility becomes sluggish, resulting in particularly weak gastrointestinal function. . Stomach pain, nausea, abdominal distension, diarrhea, etc., the number of patients in gastroenterology departments in various hospitals has recently increased significantly. The doctor reminded that during this time, we should pay attention to a reasonable diet and maintain the stomach. In particular, patients with old stomach problems should combine work and rest, and do not eat irritating food.

How to get rid of dampness and prevent disease

How to get rid of dampness and prevent disease, Zeng Yaoming gave some suggestions:

1. Avoid external wetness invading the muscle surface. Carry rain gear when you go out to avoid getting wet, and change your clothes in time if you get caught in the rain. Stay in a humid environment less, pay attention to ventilation, remember to close doors and windows when it rains heavily, and use desiccant indoors if necessary. Operators in the water should wear waterproof clothes and trousers to avoid prolonged immersion in water.

2. Rational work and rest, strengthening exercise. Studies have found that when the human body is overtired and physique declines, dampness is more likely to invade the muscle surface, causing injury and disease. Therefore, we should pay attention to the regularity of work and rest, do not stay up late, go to bed early and get up early, take a proper lunch break, and strengthen physical exercise. Health-care functions such as the Yi Jingjing can strengthen the viscera, relax the meridians, invigorate the yang qi, enhance the resistance, and reduce the chance of the invasion of dampness.

3. Have a reasonable diet. During the rainy season, you should eat more foods that strengthen the spleen and dampness, such as lentils, coix seed, red beans, yam, wax gourd, lotus seeds, bitter gourd, etc. You can make porridge and soup. If you usually feel cold hands and feet and weak yang, you can eat longan, dried ginger, beef and mutton, deer antler, red ginseng, etc. to warm the yang and remove the dampness. Try to avoid alcohol, chili, barbecue and other stimulating food stuffing with dampness and heat.

4. Chinese medicine health care. Many traditional Chinese medicine treatments can also play a role in dehumidification, such as cupping, acupuncture, scraping and so on. Usually, people can also use massage to remove dampness. Generally, visceral massage is the main technique. You can click on Zhongwan, Tianshu, Moisture, and Guanyuan to lift the Qi machine and adjust the water channel to achieve the effect of removing dampness.

Old stomach patients are frequently recruited

Lao Li is the “old patient” of Zeng Yaoming, the chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Wenzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has chronic gastritis , After treatment, the condition has been basically stable, sleep, diet are also good. But a few days ago, Lao Li came to see a doctor again, and as soon as he entered the clinic, he vomited bitterness to Zeng Yaoming. It turned out that Lao Li got together with an old friend whom he hadn’t seen for many years, and the two were very happy to meet each other. Unexpectedly, it was these few glasses of wine that made Lao Li miserable. He first had stomach discomfort, and with the continuous rain, his symptoms worsened, fatigue, abdominal distension, nausea, etc. came, Lao Li always felt that It seemed to weigh thousands of pounds and was sticky, unable to break free. He couldn’t stand it anymore, so he went to see a doctor. Zeng Yaoming made a detailed examination of Lao Li, saying that it was a typical damp-evil trapping the spleen, and after giving relevant drug treatment, Lao Li’s condition improved significantly.

“The spleen, as one of the five internal organs, plays an important role in human life activities. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen controls transport and transformation, and its nature likes dryness and hates dampness. Once dampness invades the human body, it will be trapped in the spleen. Dampness is sticky, with the characteristics of easy stagnation and diffuseness, and it is easy to cause a variety of diseases. For example, if the dampness invades the muscle surface, the head will be as heavy as a wrap; In the spleen and stomach, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension, loose stools, and poor stools will appear. Therefore, during the rainy season, we must prevent the invasion of dampness.” Zeng Yaoming said that recently, the number of patients with stomach discomfort has increased significantly, and many of them are old stomach diseases. patient. During this period, patients with old stomach problems need to take good care of their stomachs. If they have improper diet and living habits, stomach problems are easy to recur. In particular, patients with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer should pay special attention.

Source: Wenzhou Business Daily

Original title: Stomach pain is unbearable while pattering

In the rainy season, the stomach is very fragile, so take good care of it

Reporter: Hu Ning

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