During home isolation, day and night are reversed, insomnia and anxiety? Send you a grooming guide

The sudden epidemic has disrupted everyone’s life and work rhythm, and a battle without gunpowder smoke has started again. Many people who are isolating at home have disordered work and rest, day and night are reversed, and insomnia and anxiety have also followed. Director Lei Feng of Jinan Honghui Hospital said that during the epidemic, ensuring regular work and rest and a healthy and stable mentality is a powerful immunity. Therefore, if you also have insomnia and anxiety and cannot be relieved, and you need to seek the help of a professional doctor, you can add WeChat HHfww3675 to conduct one-on-one communication with Director Lei Feng, an expert in the insomnia department of Jinan Honghui Hospital, to relieve and deal with insomnia and anxiety. .

Possible sleep problems during home isolation?

1. Sleep problems

Many people need to be isolated at home due to epidemic prevention and control, social interaction and exercise are greatly reduced, and most people’s daily life: eating, lying in bed, brushing Phone, sleep when tired, continue to play when you wake up, but can’t fall asleep at night. Personal biological clocks are disrupted, and sleep patterns have also changed. I don’t know what to do for a while.

2. Emotional depression

During home isolation, in addition to insomnia caused by irregular work and rest, it may also be accompanied by emotional loss and depression, especially when the epidemic affects work and family life. Become more depressed, and may even show signs of depression, which can affect your health over time and lead to a weakened immune system.

How to adjust work and rest and mentality during home isolation?

During the period of home isolation, in response to the insomnia, anxiety, anxiety, loneliness and other emotions that may occur, Director Lei Feng of Jinan Honghui Hospital suggested that everyone should do a good job of psychological self-help under the condition of gradual adaptation. . The first is to maintain a normal routine, do not play with mobile phones before going to bed, and create a quiet sleeping environment. Eat three meals a day on time and drink plenty of water. Choose an exercise method that you can do at home, and gradually increase the amount of exercise to protect and strengthen your immunity.

At the same time, Director Lei Feng also suggested that friends who have experienced anxiety and depression should try their best to block negative information and avoid a backlog of bad emotions. At the same time, if you can’t bear it, you must talk to your family as soon as possible, or make a phone call with your friends and girlfriends. Director Lei Feng said, “During home isolation, everyone should help each other, not only materials, but also pay attention to each other’s health. Emotions, do self-help and help others, and maintain a good psychological state.”

Having quality sleep and a good mood can not only improve immunity, Boosting our ability to fight the virus also improves resilience. Of course, Director Lei Feng also suggested that everyone, considering the unstable mental state and emotions during the isolation period, if you cannot relieve yourself, you must seek the help of a professional psychiatrist in time. You can add WeChat HHfww3675 and Jinan Honghui Hospital Insomnia Department Expert Lei Feng conducted one-on-one exchanges and communication, relieved and dealt with insomnia anxiety, and carried out treatment and intervention in a timely manner.