Durian hurts the liver, persimmon hurts the stomach, and it turns out that the fruit that hurts the kidney the most! Many people eat it wrong!

People nowadays are paying more and more attention to their health.

But it is not difficult to find out some health knowledge, fruits and vegetables, will always be the focus of all experts.

It’s summer now, there will be more and more seasonal fruits on the market, and now living conditions are getting better and better, what do you want to eat? Fruit is no longer difficult.

However, eating fruit is particular.

Eating the wrong fruit will hurt the body’s organs. Next, I will tell you about the fruit that the body’s internal organs love and fear the most. Let’s go~


the most internal organs Fear of fruits

1. Heart: I love apples most, and I am most afraid of lychees< /strong>

Stomach: I love papaya and fear persimmons the most

Papaya contains a substance called “papain”, which can help the body break down meat Protein-like to promote digestion. So friends with poor digestion can eat some papaya.

Persimmons contain more tannic acid. If you eat a lot of persimmons on an empty stomach, the stomach acid is easy to stick with tannic acid, pectin, cellulose, etc. Together, the stomach persimmon stones are rapidly formed in the stomach, causing gastrointestinal discomfort.

5. Kidneys: I love grapes most, most afraid of carambola

Grape is sweet and sour in nature and enters the three meridians of spleen, lung and kidney. Usually eating grapes can nourish the kidneys.

The toxic substance in star fruit that causes kidney damage is oxalate.

After eating starfruit, normal people can excrete relevant toxic factors through the kidneys, but for patients with uremia or poor kidneys, it is difficult to excrete toxins , leading to neurotoxicity, disturbance of consciousness and even death.


If you feel uncomfortable, just eat any kind of fruit and keep this one Table:

Anemia:Grape, Orange, Tomato, Apple, Strawberry, Cherry

High cholesterol:Mangosteen, walnuts

Hypertension:Banana, Watermelon, Grape, Tomato, Walnut, Persimmon, Peaches

Atherosclerosis:Apple, Avocado, Walnut, Tomato, Banana span>

Stroke:Apple, Persimmon, Pineapple, Kiwi

Heart disease:Apple, kiwi, pear , watermelon, pineapple, walnut, banana

Respiratory system, trachea, lung disease, bronchitis:Grapes, apples, cherries, pears, persimmons

Asthma: Grapes, peaches

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Tuberculosis:Pears, peaches, Loquat, papaya

Digestive system, stomach, liver disease, gastritis: Apple, Grape

Enteritis: Pineapple, Banana, Apple, Grape, Tomato, Pomegranate

< span>Diarrhea:Apple, bayberry

Stomach pain:papaya

< span>Indigestion:Pears, Strawberries

Hemorrhoids:Apples, persimmons, peaches, bananas, figs

Liver Disease:Strawberry, Plum, Apple, Grape, Banana< /span>

Cystitis:Watermelon, Peaches

Urethrolithiasis:< /span>Watermelon, Kiwi


Incontinence:peaches, plums

Urethritis:peaches, grapes

Endocrine disorders:avocado, apple, Kiwi, Grape, Peaches, Cantaloupe, Papaya

Eye, Ear, Throat Diseases: Papaya

Hoarse voice:Grape, loquat

< strong>Night blindness:papaya

Bone, Joint, Skin Disorders:Grape, Loquat

Fast healing:Strawberry

Back Pain:kiwi, watermelon, pear, citrus

Low back pain:peaches

gout:< /span>Kiwi, Pineapple

Arthritis:Grapes, Loquats

Bounds: Papaya

Dermatology: papaya, strawberry, apple, walnut

Inflammation of the mouth: strong>Pears, Oranges, Plums

Teeth Illness:Strawberry, Orange, Plum

Cold :Strawberry, Mango, Pineapple, Loquat, Lemon

< span>Antiemetics for Pregnant Women:Pears, Apples, Persimmons

Postpartum recovery for pregnant women:Apples, walnuts

Increase physical strength and prevent aging: Apple, Banana , walnut

Poor appetite: span>Grapes

For Growth:Apple, Pear, Banana, Strawberry, Melon

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*Source: Comprehensive source from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author. END-

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