Driving more than 200 kilometers every day, sleeping in the car at night… Songjiang, the group of volunteers in the fight against the epidemic, are doing well!

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Although they come from different industries and are in different positions, at the most critical moment of epidemic prevention and control, they made a consistent Choice – to be a volunteer, to provide logistical support for the medical staff who are sticking to the front line of the fight against the epidemic. When asked, “I have to carry materials and transfer medical staff every day, and I may encounter personnel with abnormal nucleic acid. I am not afraid”, volunteer Gui Bin answered decisively: “I am not afraid, I am afraid that we will not come.” And this is also The same answer as all the volunteers stationed in Sijing Hospital with him.

The car is always at home

From March 31st, Songjiang District Civilization Office coordinated six volunteers including Gui Bin and Sun Chao to enter Sijing Hospital to carry out voluntary services. On April 4, after the volunteer service expired, the entire group requested to stay and continue working. Considering the shortage of personnel in other areas, in the end, only Gui Bin and Sun Chao were left in Sijing Hospital.

For the past few days, Gui Bin and Sun Chao have been responsible for the logistical support of the hospital, 24 hours a day. on standby. In order to respond to the task in a timely manner, the two people directly regarded the car as their home. They were either on standby in the car, or busy carrying medical supplies, or transferring them to the medical staff for sampling. Most Nearly, they drive more than 200 kilometers a day on average, and can only rest in the car for two or three hours at night.

“Mr. Yang is always joking and asks if we turn off the cell phone signal It’s connected to the brain.” “Post-95” Sun Chao said with a smile. It turned out that in order not to miss the news of the assignment, their mobile phone screen was always on, and the two kept staring at the work group.

The “Mr. Yang” in Sun Chao’s mouth is Yang Yong, the head of logistics support of Sijing Hospital . “Fortunately, I have their support, otherwise I would be really busy.” Yang Yong told reporters that in order to help the hospital eliminate the killings, the two volunteers took the initiative to donate the killing equipment purchased at their own expense and undertake most of the killings in the hospital. Task.

Hearing praise from others, Gui Bin waved his hands and said, “We onlyI hope that I can do my little bit, even if the medical staff can rest for a while. He sighed with emotion, “Sometimes when I go to pick up medical staff, I feel that they are so tired that they are about to faint, which is really distressing. ”

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Rush ahead in the event of risk

Because I personally felt the difficulty of medical staff, Therefore, when encountering a risky situation, Gui Bin and Sun Chao always rushed forward in a tacit understanding and did not let the medical staff take risks. In their opinion, even if they were infected, there would be at most one more case, and one medical staff would fail. There may be 10 or 20 patients who cannot get better treatment. “It’s not cost-effective for them to fall, and they are really working too hard, many of them are girls in their 20s, and it’s not easy. “When talking about this, Gui Bin in his thirties burst into tears.

“Okay, I’ll be there soon. “At around 8:00 p.m., Gui Bin and Sun Chao, who were being interviewed, received a new task. The two quickly moved to the designated location to carry the supplies, and then set off to their destination.

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The reporter followed closely and came to the door of the hospital to record the scene of the two driving away. The security guard at the door took the initiative to talk to the reporter after learning of the reporter’s intention. “I know their car, I can see them going out many times a day. They usually sleep in the car, and sometimes, I see they don’t sleep at all when they are busy. said the security guard.

Text: Liu Chi

Picture : Gao Yu

Editor: Ding Yijie Xu Ping Shen Lina