Drinking water for sugar lovers is not a trivial matter, these two beverages are the first choice

Author | Sugar Control Reference

Editor | Double Flower

The typical symptoms of diabetes are “three more and one less”, including “polydip and polyuria”. In order to cut off this connection, some people with diabetes usually dare not drink water. Even if they are thirsty or the weather is hot, they deliberately limit the amount of water they drink. This is a big misunderstanding and is extremely detrimental to the patient. Water is the source of life, and water accounts for 70% of the human body. Normal people should drink water properly. As a diabetic, not only should they not drink water, but also add more water than ordinary people. This is because the insulin secretion of diabetic patients is relatively insufficient, and the glucose cannot be used by the body, so that the blood sugar stays in the body and causes high blood sugar. The blood is concentrated and hypertonic, resulting in an osmotic diuresis, so the symptoms of polyuria appear. Water loss, which in turn leads to dehydration, causes thirst and requires timely rehydration. So, what kind of water should a sugar friend take?

How sugar lovers choose drinks

Let’s take a look at the drinks on the market:

carbonated drinks consist of sugar, carbonic acid, Additives such as flavors and artificial colors are obviously not good for diabetics.

beer It is a low-alcohol liquor full of carbon dioxide brewed by yeast fermentation with barley malt, hops and water as the main raw materials. At present, most of the beers in the world are supplemented with auxiliary materials, and some countries stipulate that the total amount of auxiliary materials should not exceed 50% of the amount of malt. The alcohol content of beer is about 3 to 6 degrees, which may cause serious consequences of hypoglycemia for diabetic patients who use sulfonylurea drugs or insulin, so diabetic patients should not be used as beverages.

Iced beverages have adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract and are widely available on the market Most beverages contain sugar, and various additives and preservatives are not suitable for diabetics.

Milk and Soymilk< /strong>All contain protein and other nutrients, and can also supplement calcium, so it is recommended that diabetic patients properly supplement milk and soy milk.

Tea is a healthy drink, containing substances such as theophylline, vitamins, tea polyphenols and trace elements. Affects blood sugar control in diabetic patients. Of course, it is best not to drink tea before going to bed and when taking medicine, so as not to affect sleep and the effect of medicine. In addition, tea has a certain diuretic effect, which is not good for patients.

Through the above analysis, We thinkboiled and mineral water span>is the first choice for hydration, and diabetics can consume unlimited amounts. In fact, you can drink water anytime, you don’t have to wait until you are thirsty to drink water. That does not necessarily have the effect of quenching thirst, nor does it achieve the effect of replenishing water. The best time to drink water is on an empty stomach, when the water is directly absorbed in the digestive tract, which can achieve the best results.