Drinking water boiled by an electric kettle for a long time may lead to excessive heavy metals? 2 points of advice, please listen to it

Mr. Zhao, who lives in Guangzhou, recently bought a kettle with 1 yuan in the supermarket.But I always feel that the boiled water has a burnt smell< /strong>, they all say that cheap is not good. Mr. Zhao is worried that this is not the legendary “poisonous kettle”, right?

Recently, there have been a lot of sayings on the Internet that “electric kettles will precipitate heavy metals (manganese), and drinking such water for a long time will not only cause poisoning, but may also cause cancer”. Is it safe to boil water in an electric kettle? Will drinking boiled water repeatedly for a long time be harmful to the human body?

1. What happens to the body when drinking water from an electric kettle often?

Stainless steel electric kettles are almost one of the necessary small appliances in every household, but it is said that some businesses use cheap high manganese in order to save costs Electric kettles are made of steel. People who drink this type of electric kettle for a long time may be poisoned. real or fake?

First of all, manganese is one of the essential trace elements for the human body. It is a component of bones, coagulation factors, sex hormones, connective tissue, etc. also indispensable.

But like many minerals, manganese can inhibit iron absorption in excess, and long-term excess can also affect the function of the nervous system .

In my country, the recommended daily intake of manganese for an adult is at least 4.5 mg and should not exceed 11 mg at most. According to the results of the fourth nutritional survey in my country, Chinese residents can get about 6.8 mg of manganese from their diets every day, so it is safe to be in daily life. level, don’t worry too much.

Actually, the absorption rate of manganese in the gastrointestinal tract of the human body is not high, and the possibility of manganese poisoning caused by food intake Very low, but through breathing, it is more likely to cause manganese poisoning.

What’s more, the melting point of manganese is above 1200℃,The temperature of household electric kettle will not exceed 100℃ during daily use, so boiling water will basically not cause manganese dissolution. Even if it is really dissolved, it must reach the tolerance value or above before it may cause poisoning.

In fact, high manganese steel is not as “poisonous” as rumored, as long as it is a container used for making food that has been inspected by the state , is in line with strict restrictions, but if you want to use it with confidence, there are 2 suggestions:

  • < span>Purchase through formal channels

You can purchase in formal malls, such as large electrical appliances with “three guarantees service”, and well-known e-commerce platforms Buy.

  • Look at the inner pot and choose the material

Check the electric kettle Whether the inner tank has these two numbers – 304, 316. 304 stainless steel is food-grade stainless steel, which has strong corrosion resistance; 316 is generally used in high-end fields such as aerospace or food machinery, and has better stability, but the price is biased expensive.

Second, one thousand boiling water and overnight water cannot be drunk. Drinking it will cause cancer?

Water is an indispensable fountain of life for human beings, but with the improvement of people’s health awareness, some “water” has also been charged with “carcinogenic”.

1. “Thousand Boiling Water”

It is boiled for a long time (repeatedly) boiling) water. Rumors say that when water is repeatedly boiled,due to high temperature and lack of oxygen, nitrite will be produced, which may cause cancer.

In this regard, researchers from Harbin Institute of Technology conducted an experiment: by sampling raw water and water that was boiled once to 5 times, the determination of the Nitrates, nitrates and other substances, results found that the content did not change.

It can be seen that repeated heating of water does not lead to an increase in nitrite.

2, “Overnight Water”

Some people say that standing water for a long time will also produce nitrite. According to national regulations, the standard of nitrite in drinking water is 1 microgram/ml. Generally, overnight water does not exceed this number, so it can be safely consumed.

In the process of placing, because the lid is not covered, insects and dust may fall off.If there is no lid to seal Save the water, or try not to drink it.

The real cancer-causing water is water above 65 degrees Celsius. The surface of the human mouth and esophagus is covered with delicate and fragile mucous membranes, which are very sensitive to temperature. Once the temperature exceeds 65 °C, there is a danger of scalding.

Occasionally scalded, the mucous membrane can repair itself. Repeated scalding will lead to more and more “atypical” cells. Even if there is no cancer, it will also suffer from oral ulcers, esophagus Ulcers, etc.

3. Mineral water VS purified water, which one is better to drink?

Not all bottled water is mineral water. In the “General Rules for National Standard Beverages”, bottled water is further divided into mineral water, purified water and other Drinking water. Which water is better, mineral water or pure water?

In terms of composition, mineral water refers to a certain amount of natural mineral salts (such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, strontium, metasilicic acid, etc.), while pure water is “Water lives up to its name”, high-purity water that essentially removes all minerals and other impurities, bacteria.

Maybe in the eyes of some people, drinking mineral water can add some minerals, while pure water is “filtered” and has no nutrients.

However, for the human body, no matter what water it is, only plays a role in replenishing water. Even mineral water contains very small amounts of minerals. If you want to supplement the trace elements, it is better to use other foods, which may be more reliable than drinking water.

It is more important to drink water every day than to choose what water to drink.

The “water” here refers to plain water, can not be substituted with sugar-sweetened beverages. Sugar-sweetened beverages with high concentration and high osmotic pressure will make you thirstier when you drink them; and with their own calories, they may become fatter and more expensive than water.


[1] “Electric Kettle Makes People Stupid? Will “high manganese steel” damage memory? ”. Nutshell. 2016-03-24

[2] “Our oral cavity and esophagus are covered with delicate and fragile mucous membranes”. Popular Science of People’s Network. 2018-06-26

< p>[3] “Thousands of boiling water and overnight water cause cancer? Is more expensive water better? The truth about drinking water is unexpected”. Tencent Medical Dictionary.2019-09-24

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