Drinking rice porridge will raise blood sugar, but will drinking millet porridge? Control blood sugar, stop eating 3 kinds of food

Eating porridge has long been considered a nourishing symbol. However, with the improvement of people’s health awareness, more and more people realize that drinking too much rice porridge will only consume carbohydrates, which is not good for health. In addition, the nutrition in rice porridge is relatively simple, and if you drink porridge for a long time, it is easy to fall into malnutrition.

Especially for hyperglycemic patients,drinking rice porridge It is not recommended because starch in rice porridge is gelatinized and becomes more easily absorbed by the stomach and intestines. Excessive consumption of hyperglycemic patients is likely to cause the risk of blood sugar out of control. However, it is precisely because rice porridge is labeled as “sugar-raising” that many people think that millet porridge will raise blood sugar. Is this true or false?

Drinking rice porridge will raise blood sugar, but will eating millet porridge also?

Many people confuse rice with millet, but it’s not.

Rice is a type of refined grain, while millet is a type of coarse grain, As a coarse grain, millet has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, it is rich in dietary fiber, so that the feeling of fullness is stronger.

Therefore, often drinking millet porridge will not lead to increased sugar, but will cause dietary fiber Promotes intestinal peristalsis, is more conducive to the metabolism of carbohydrates and sugars, and reduces and stabilizes postprandial blood sugar levels. Not only that, millet has a relatively low glycemic index of 73 compared to rice, so the supply of carbohydrates will also be less.

However, in the process of eating millet, there are still precautions

First of all, it is necessary to Quantitative

Drinking millet porridge is good for blood sugar, which is based on the premise of appropriate amount Yes, millet is a coarse grain, but it is also a kind of grain.Although the glycemic index is low, it will increase when cooked for a long time. Starch will undergo a gelatinization reaction. Therefore, even drinking too much millet can have a negative impact on blood sugar.

So, drinking millet porridge in moderation will not raise blood sugar, such as drinking a bowl every day. But If you drink 2 or 3 bowls a day, eating too much will still burden your blood sugar. In addition, when cooking millet porridge, try the cooking time is shorter, and the degree of starch gelatinization is low, which is more suitable for people with high blood sugar. dietary needs.

Then specific crowd restrictions

Because millet can stimulate gastric acid secretion, so patients with gastrointestinal or mucosal damage gastrointestinal ulcers should take it with caution;

There are others such asdeficiency cold constitution, qi stagnation constitution Crowds, ingesting too much cool millet may lead to an increase in the rate of qi and blood loss, which is not good for health.

But then again, compared to millet, hyperglycemic patients need to pay more attention to some other foods. If they are accidentally ingested in their daily diet, It will also bring a greater burden to blood sugar control.

If you want to control blood sugar, these 4 foods are best to stop eating

The first type, high GI fruits

Generally speaking, the diet of hyperglycemic patients has GI indicators, That is, the glycemic index, the higher the glycemic index of the food, the more cautious people with high blood sugar should be. Generally speaking, if the GI value is greater than 70, it belongs to the category of high-glycemic foods.

And many fruits that are considered healthy by many people are rich in sugar and even reach the category of high GI foods, such aswatermelon, cantaloupe , Dongzao, etc., especially Dongzao, the GI value even reached 103, people with high blood sugar Best not to eat it.

Not only that, long-term consumption of high GI fruits and high concentrations of fructose will also cause a greater burden on liver metabolism, leading to an increased risk of complications , please be careful.

Second, fried nuts

< span>For example, fried melon seeds, fried peanuts, etc. Peanuts and melon seeds are originally very good nuts, rich in unsaturated fatty acids. But at the same time, the calorie level is relatively high, especially melon seeds, which have more calories than some meats.

In this case, if you just eat ordinary boiled peanuts properly, it will not have much impact on your health. But for example fried peanuts, fried melon seeds, etc., the fat and calories will further increase, will directly affect the control effect of blood sugar and blood pressure, so Best not to eat it.

The third type, liquor, beer, etc.

Alcoholic drinks, people with high blood sugar should also not drink. High concentrations of alcohol can cause the intestinal capillaries to further dilate, thereby increasing the efficiency of sugar absorption, leading to uncontrolled blood sugar.

Especially some patients with hyperglycemia may be complicated by gastrointestinal or gallbladder diseases, and it is even more necessary to strictly control alcohol. , Quitting alcohol is not only conducive to controlling blood sugar, but also has great benefits for the long-term health of the body.

Fourth, high sodium foods

That is, foods with high salt content, such as bacon, pickles, salted duck eggs, etc. Many people associate high salt with high blood pressure, but in fact, high salt intake can also increase blood sugar. Excessive intake of sodium will increase vascular permeability and allow more free sugars to enter the body environment, which in turn increases the burden on the heart by ways to increase the risk of diabetes as a complication.

Therefore, high-sodium foods are also not recommended for people with hyperglycemia, especially those with diabetes or hyperglycemia complicated by kidney disease. Salt intake needs to be carefully controlled.

In summary, millet porridge is different from rice porridge. It is beneficial for patients with high blood sugar to eat properly, but they should not be greedy. In contrast, other types of food require people with high blood sugar to pay more attention to their own sugar control. Only by controlling their diet can they lay a healthy foundation for their blood sugar.


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