Drinking a lot of water, but urinating very little, or it is related to these 4 diseases, we should pay attention to it

Water is an important part of the human body. Only when you drink enough water can you promote blood circulation and speed up metabolism. That’s why we should pay attention to drinking water.

In addition, under normal circumstances, the amount of water you drink is proportional to the amount of urine.

However, the relevant survey data shows that some people drink a lot of water in life, but the amount of urination is very small. At this time, everyone should not simply think that the water is absorbed by the human body. It is likely to be the same as the following: Several diseases are related.

1. Kidney disease p>

From the point of view of health science, the water absorption, blood concentration and blood flow of various tissues and cells in the human body are relatively fixed. When the water is metabolized into sweat or excreted in urine, the body will send a thirst to the brain. Signal.

In this case, if you drink an appropriate amount of water, the water will be excreted in the form of urination in the form of urination soon after being filtered by the kidneys. However, if you feel thirsty and drink more water, but your urine output is low, it may be a sign of kidney disease.

Because after kidney damage, it is difficult for the glomeruli to filter waste products from the body, so it cannot promote the collection of water in the kidney, and eventually This greatly reduces the secretion of urine. At this time, we must attach great importance to it, otherwise the kidney disease will continue to deteriorate, and it is likely to evolve into uremia.

2. Abnormal cardiac function

When it comes to the problem of less urination, everyone will not associate it with the heart. It is not known that the heart disease will also cause this symptom.

Because the heart has the function of transporting blood, when it is injured, it cannot transport blood to other organs, especially the kidneys. There will be signs of functional decline, and ultimately there will be less urine output.

3. Urinary tract infection

If If you don’t pay attention to the hygiene of your private parts, bacteria and viruses are likely to take advantage of the weakness to enter the urinary tract and cause urinary tract infections. .

Especially when the urinary tract infection becomes more and more serious, it will also cause bladder lesions. As a result, the bladder muscle cannot correctly sense the amount of urine, and it will frequently issue reminders to urinate , but the amount of urine every time is not much.

4. Hepatorenal syndrome

Hepatorenal syndrome refers to the serious damage to the liver, which first makes the blood volume too low, which reduces the perfusion of the kidneys significantly, which also leads to the problem of renal failure, and even anuria in severe cases. .

In addition, if liver disease progresses to a later stage, it may also affect the human endocrine system and kidneys. unusual symptoms.

All in all, if you drink a lot of water recently, but your urine output is small, you must A high degree of vigilance is likely to be closely related to the four diseases mentioned above. Only by seeking medical treatment in time and finding out the cause and targeted treatment can the disease be prevented from continuing to develop.

Otherwise, with the passage of time, a large amount of metabolites will accumulate in the body, which will inevitably damage other organs and tissues, and even cause poisoning in severe cases.