Drink wolfberry rose tea to prevent urinary tract infections

■ Li Yanru, Chief Physician of the Emergency Department of Beijing Xuanwu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Urinary tract infection is more common in women, and the incidence rate under the age of 40 is about 8-10 times that of men. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that urinary tract infection belongs to the category of “drenched syndrome”. Nowadays, women are under a lot of pressure at work, and they are often tense and anxious for a long time. The treatment of refractory urinary tract infection should focus on soothing the liver. A medicinal tea is recommended, which can effectively eliminate liver stagnation and relieve urinary tract infections caused by liver stagnation.

Take 6 grams of wolfberry, 3 grams of rose flower, and 3 grams of tortoiseshell flower, mix the three, brew with 400 ml of hot water, and drink 2-3 times a day. In the recipe, rose is fragrant and has the functions of soothing the liver, relieving depression, relieving blood stasis and dissipating blood stasis; tortoiseshell flowers, also known as citronella, have the effects of soothing the liver, harmonizing the stomach and regulating qi; wolfberry nourishes the liver and kidney, and modern pharmacological studies have found it Also anti-fatigue, anti-depression, improve immunity. The three flavors are used in combination, and they work together to soothe the liver. They have no toxic and side effects. They also have certain cosmetic effects and are suitable for women to drink.

Urinary tract infection patients should also do the following in their lives: 1. Eat a light diet, avoid spicy, greasy, tobacco, alcohol, and tea, and eat more fruits and vegetables. 2. Drinking more water, urinating frequently, and avoiding holding back urine will help dilute urine, flush the urethra, and reduce the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms. 3. Special attention should be paid to genital cleaning, regular cleaning, frequent changing of underwear and sanitary pads, etc.