Dragon Boat Festival consumption tips

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and traditional seasonal foods such as zongzi and salted duck eggs have entered a peak of consumption. In order to allow the majority of consumers to welcome a safe and peaceful Dragon Boat Festival, the expert team of Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau issued the Dragon Boat Festival consumption tips.

Zongzi: Zongzi are perishable and should be refrigerated or frozen.

Zongzi sold in the market mainly include prepackaged and unpackaged fresh zongzi. For prepackaged zongzi, pay attention to check whether the package is damaged, leaked or swollen. If the package is damaged, it is easy to invade microorganisms and cause the zongzi to deteriorate. For fresh zongzi, it is necessary to check whether the shape of the zongzi is complete, and whether there is any abnormality such as discoloration or mildew. It should be noted that the shelf life of fresh zongzi is short, and it is recommended to buy according to the consumption.

There are still many citizens who are used to making zongzi at home, so citizens should choose fresh ingredients when making zongzi. When purchasing zongye leaves, don’t over-pursue the color of zongzi leaves. The zongzi leaves are dark green, yellow-green, and light yellow, which are all normal colors. Make sure that the fillings are fresh and the utensils and tools are clean during the making process. Use plain cotton and linen threads as much as possible for bundling the zongzi, and the tightness is moderate.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the ambient temperature is high, and the zongzi is rich in nutrients and high in water content, which is prone to rancidity and deterioration. Vacuum-packed rice dumplings have a longer shelf life and can be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool indoor place; while unpackaged self-made rice dumplings purchased on the market have a short shelf life and should be stored in the refrigerator; homemade rice dumplings or purchased uncooked rice dumplings should be stored as soon as possible. Cook, drain and store in a freezer bag.

Experts said that the main raw material of glutinous rice is glutinous rice, and many citizens like to eat cold zongzi, but cold zongzi, especially the meat zongzi containing oil, is not easy to digest, and the cooking process can make the starch in the glutinous rice gelatinize. It is good for digestion, so the zongzi should be steamed and cooked before eating. In addition, the starch and fat content in zongzi is high, and the viscosity is high, which can easily cause symptoms of indigestion. It is recommended to eat in moderation.

Salted duck eggs: Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease patients should eat less salted duck eggs

If citizens want to make their own salted duck eggs, they should choose clean and complete duck eggs. Use airtight, light-tight, airtight containers such as crock pots and porcelain jars. Since table salt can galvanically corrode metals, avoid choosing metal containers. Pickled salted duck eggs should be cooked and eaten as soon as possible.

Although salted duck eggs are delicious and rich in minerals and other trace elements, their salt content is also relatively high. A salted duck egg usually contains 2-5g of salt. , Salted duck eggs should be eaten in moderation according to the saltiness. In addition, citizens with hypertension, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should eat less or try not to eat salted duck eggs. (Nanchang Evening News reporter Zhou Ye)