Dr. Hu said traditional Chinese medicine | Qi-regulating medicine Xiebai – good at regulating Qi, widening the chest, clearing yang and dissipating knots

Xibai grows in the weeds of cultivated land or mountains. It has a strong smell and is not very pleasant. The shape of its leaves is close to that of leek. It is recorded in the “Compendium of Materia Medica”: “The leaves of leek are firm and flat, with sword ridges; The leaves are empty, like the leaves of scallions and have ridges, and the qi is like a green onion.”

Xiebai is a qi-regulating medicine, and its effect is to regulate qi, widen the chest, clear the yang and disperse knots. It is an essential medicine for the treatment of chest pain and heartache.


The Story of Xuebai

It is said that a Henan native named Xiebai was an official in Beijing. With a lot of official duties, he became ill from overwork, and suffered from a serious illness of chest pain. Please ask the imperial physician for diagnosis and treatment. After looking, hearing, asking, and cutting, he said to him that to cure your serious illness, you can only resign from office and rest in peace.

Xiebai listened to his advice and went to the temple to recuperate, stretching his fists and feet every day, and digging wild vegetables (Xibai) for eating with the little monk. After eight or nine months, he really recovered, and he went to thank the imperial doctor. The imperial physician was also amazed at the speed of his recovery. It happened that the emperor also suffered from the same disease, so the two met with the saint and recommended the emperor to take this wild vegetable. The emperor took it according to his words, and he recovered quickly. “Wild vegetables can cure diseases” spread all over the streets and alleys of Beijing for a while.

Later people simply named this wild vegetable “Xibai”.


The source and function of Xiebai

Origin: Northeast, Hebei, Hubei, Jiangsu and other places .

Nature and flavor: pungent, bitter, warm; return to the heart, lung, stomach, and large intestine meridians.

Efficacy: clears the yang, disperses the qi, and stagnates the qi.

Usage and dosage: Decoction, 5-10g.

Notes on use: This product is a smooth product and should not be used if there is no stagnation; it should be used with caution in those with qi deficiency.


The use of Xiebai

Compendium of Materia Medica: “Treatment of Shaoyin Diseases Dysentery, chest pain and tingling pain, lower qi and disperse blood.”

Therefore, Xiebai can treat:


chest pain and heartache

Treatment of chest-yang insufficiency, cold-phlegm-damp turbidity stagnated in the chest, and abscess in the chest. It is often used in combination with gualou, pinellia and other drugs.


Abdominal distention and pain, severe after diarrhea and dysentery

Treatment of abdominal distention and fullness pain due to stagnation of stomach cold and qi. It is often used in combination with galangal, amomum, woodsy, aurantium and other medicines.

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