Don’t touch it! The “smart drug” that is madly spread by the parents is actually a psychotropic drug, you can eat it or become addicted…

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Expert of this article: Wang Weibo, Dongying People’s Hospital, Endocrinology Clinical Pharmacist

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When the senior high school entrance examination, college entrance examination and other examinations are approaching, there is always a group of people who are more nervous than the candidates, that is, parents.

Some parents even go to the hospital to inquire about a “smart” test that claims to improve their students’ performance medicine” – methylphenidate.

HoweverMethylphenidate is actually the first class of psychotropic drugs strictly controlled in my country, and it is clinically used for the treatment of ” ADHD”.

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Is this medicine really so magical? Let’s lift the veil on it.

Why is methylphenidate called the “smart drug”?

Methylphenidate is a nerve stimulant span>, for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly known as “hyperactivity disorder”.

The reason why some parents regard it as a “smart drug” is that methylphenidate excites the nerve center, and has a certain degree of improvement in concentration to improve academic performance.

However, methylphenidate does not really improve IQ, it just helps to concentrate for a long time and improve learning efficiency . There is no scientific study to show that taking methylphenidate makes you smarter.

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Side effects:

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If long-term use of methylphenidate, side effects such as insomnia, dizziness, dizziness, headache, nausea, anorexia, palpitations, increased blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat may occur. What’s more, it is addictive and manifested by an irrepressible drug-seeking behavior.

Some candidates take methylphenidate before the exam, just for the so-called performance improvement, and Not for medical purposes, and discontinuation, lethargy, depression and other symptoms may occur when the drug is discontinued immediately after the exam.

Therefore, It is very unscientific and absolutely not allowed to rely on taking methylphenidate to improve academic performance.

Is there a “smart medicine” that improves performance?

The State Drug Administration has issued a reminder, my country has never approved the increase IQ and other functions of drugs.

Source: State Drug Administration website


my country has never approved any health food with “brao-invigorating” health care function, and approved health food with functions such as “relieving physical fatigue” and “enhancing immunity” is also not applicable It is used to replenish the brain, improve IQ and relieve mental fatigue.

Health products have prescribed suitable and unsuitable groups and consumption amounts, Consumers need to look carefully when purchasing.

What should candidates be most aware of before an exam?

Standardized Medication

< p>It’s a three-part drug, don’t use it if you’re not sick. Especially some drugs that may cause side effects such as drowsiness. For example, some cold medicines contain anti-allergic ingredients such as chlorpheniramine, which may cause drowsiness or lack of concentration. If necessary, take them at night as much as possible.

Montmorillonite powder and other antidiarrheal medicines can be prepared at home. medicine.

Authorized reprint

Schedule on time< /strong>

When the exam is approaching, parents must let the candidates develop the habit of working and resting on time. Studying too late at night seems to have learned a lot, but lack of energy during the day will have a greater impact on yourself. Because exams are all conducted during the day, you should keep your excitement at the time of the exam and maintain your best mental state during the day.

If it is still difficult to fall asleep, Short-acting hypnotics such as Zolpidem can be appropriately taken , Avoid the use of long-acting hypnotics such as diazepam to minimize the impact on the state of the next day.

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