Don’t take cataracts seriously, doctor: elderly patients should be reviewed regularly

News from this newspaper (Reporter Li Jing correspondent Zhu Tingting) Since 3 years ago, 76-year-old Aunt Liu felt that her vision became more and more blurred, especially last year. He came to the North District of Suzhou Municipal Hospital for treatment. After examination, the distance vision in both eyes was 0.20 in the right eye and 0.25 in the left eye. The doctor who received her also performed slit lamp, chamber angle, mydriatic fundus examination, bilateral B-ultrasound, fundus OCT and other examinations for her, and found that Aunt Liu had vision loss caused by age-related cataract, so she suggested that she be hospitalized for “cataract phacoemulsification”. Aspiration combined with one-stage intraocular lens implantation” treatment.

After communication, the doctor first performed surgery on Aunt Liu’s severe right eye. On the first day after the operation, her distance vision in her right eye reached 1.0. She was very happy and immediately decided to perform left eye surgery. Cataract surgery of the eye. Two weeks later, after Aunt Liu’s right eye fully recovered, the hospital doctor performed an operation on Aunt Liu’s left eye. Two days ago, when Aunt Liu underwent a one-year follow-up examination, her distance vision remained at 1.0, for which she was very happy.

Zhang Chunyuan, director of the ophthalmology department of the hospital, reminded the public that once diagnosed with age-related cataracts, they should go to regular hospitals for follow-up visits. Secondary glaucoma, so it is not recommended to “mature” cataract before surgery.

[Source: Suzhou Evening News]

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