Don’t put your mobile phone on the bedside when you sleep, radiation is a trivial matter, and the more terrible consequence is “it”!

“When sleeping, don’t put your cell phone next to your pillow, there is radiation!”

“I heard that Pharaoh next door often puts his mobile phone under the pillow when he sleeps, resulting in a tumor in his brain!”

“Not only does cell phone use cause cancer, but it can also lead to Alzheimer’s!”

Hearing these words, the irritable little doctor looked at the mobile phone beside the bed and fell into deep thought.

We let science speak.


Findings of the Center for Environmental Epidemiology Research in Barcelona, ​​Spain[1]:

“Regular” cell phone use does not increase the risk of brain tumors. But in the 20% who used the most cellphones, the risk of glioma was increased by 1.91 times and the risk of meningioma was increased by 2.01 times.

(I know what you want to ask, but this paper does not define, how long the mobile phone is used every day is “regular” and how long is “unconventional”, only a cumulative energy is given concept)


Swedish cancer expert Lennart Hader found that[2]:

People who spent the most time on their phones were twice as likely to develop gliomas compared to those who spent the least time on their phones. (The shortest here is 1 year and the longest is more than 15C20 years)

Furthermore, people who used cellphones for more than 25 years had three times the risk of developing gliomas than those who used cellphones for less than one year.

People who started using cellphones before the age of 20 also had an increased risk of developing brain tumors.

Seeing this, you must be thinking: It seems that playing with mobile phones will cause brain cancer! ! !

Calm down! Summarizing the existing studies, it is just a reminder: Routine use of mobile phones is not a risk factor for brain tumors, but prolonged use of mobile phones (eg >20 years) may (only possibly) increase the risk of brain tumors. risk.

You must be thinking: This is not to say that playing with mobile phones can cause brain cancer! !

I advise you to calm down! !

Current researchthe level of evidence is limited and cannot establish a causal link between cell phone radiation and cancer.

Therefore, it can only be said that Mobile phone radiation is a “suspected carcinogen”, and you don’t need to be too nervous.

This conclusion is not what we said. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IACR) under the World Health Organization defines “radio frequency electromagnetic waves”, including mobile phone radiation, as Class 2B carcinogens[3].

Class 2B carcinogens are “probably carcinogenic to humans, but evidence is limited.” At the same level, there are also common pickled vegetables, gasoline, asphalt, ginkgo biloba extract, etc.[3].

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also believes that cell phone radiation is not related to health problems, including cancer [4].

Although it does not cause cancer, will frequent use of mobile phones damage the brain or even dementia?

In conclusion, there is currently no evidence that cell phone radiation causes dementia.

Studies found that long-term (7-month) exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields (equivalent to cell phone radiation) in mice with Alzheimer’s disease (a type of dementia) Helps reduce the deposition of a “bad protein” in the brain, which may have potential anti-dementia effects [5-7].

But this is an animal experiment, far from being used in humans. There is also no claim that “radiation from cellphones can cause dementia” in current clinical studies [8-9].

Because of the nuclear radiation in Japan, many people talk about the discoloration of “radiation”, which is actually a misunderstanding.

Simply put, radiation is a transfer of energy, which is mainly divided into non-ionizing radiation and ionizing radiation.

Mobile phones and computers are non-ionizing radiation, which includes radio waves, microwaves, visible light, some ultraviolet rays, and more. The effect of non-ionizing radiation on the human body is only to convert energy into temperature increase, which makes people feel hot, and the impact on human health is basically negligible [10].

Nuclear radiation is ionizing radiation, the type of radiation that is harmful to the human body, destroying tissue or DNA, causing cell damage or death.

X-rays and CTs also emit ionizing radiation, but once a year, a physical examination or an occasional sickness filming will receive very little radiation, so there is no need to worry. But don’t suspect that you are sick, and pester the doctor to take pictures for you every day!

Simply put, the radiation emitted by mobile phones is not harmful ionizing radiation, so don’t worry?

Since radiation does not have a very clear cancer risk, nor does it make people stupid, is it possible to play with mobile phones at will?

Of course not!

Even if your phone can spare your brain, it can’t spare your other body parts.

1. Injuring fingers. If you play with your phone with one hand for a long time, your pinky finger may become like this.

(Source: self-photographed)

The lower part of the phone is often pressed against the little finger. Over time, it may cause joint deformation and bone damage.

2. Your cervical spine can’t take it. Each 1-degree increase in the angle of the bow gradually increases the stress on the neck muscles and joints. Over time, a “turtle neck” will form.

(source: made by myself)

What’s even more frightening is the “neck” posture below, lying on the sofa without a pillow, the neck is hanging in the air, and the head and upper body are almost 90 degrees. This can easily lead to instability of the neck joints, which can lead to dizziness, headaches, etc.

(Source: Taken by myself)

3. Playing with your phone for a long time can also make you ugly. For example-

(Source: Taken by myself)

(Source: Taken by myself)

Good little brother, double chin and Luo Guo are out.

If you don’t change it, it will be like this~

Not even our ping pong prince, Kezai.

(Source: Internet)

4. It is easy to bump into other people while looking at the phone while walking.

5. Turn off the lights and play with mobile phones at night. The light will inhibit the secretion of melatonin and cause insomnia. The next day I will feel very tired, as if I haven’t slept, and my memory and mood will not be very good[11,12].

The paper published by Chinese scientist Shi Yigong in August 2021 also found [13] that the sleep quality of mice decreased when exposed to radiation at the level of 4G, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi.

Although we always say that animal experiments cannot be directly deduced to humans, humans are easily disturbed by environmental factors (such as coffee, alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc.), therefore, this mouse Experiments may be more telling.

6. If you keep swiping your phone while squatting and pooping for half an hour with pay, you may soon be tormented by hemorrhoids.

In general, play with your phone in moderation.

Pay attention to moving your neck.

Or use a relaxed pose.

(Source: soogif)

The mobile phone is just a tool, we cannot be its slaves, No matter how important the person on the opposite side of the phone is, they can’t kidnap us 24 hours a day!

So now you know, how far away is your phone safe when you sleep?

Of course it’s an arm’s distance~

It’s not because the radiation is low, but because you can’t reach it, you won’t delay sleeping because of playing with your mobile phone.

(This is negative teaching material, don’t learn it! Source: soogif)


[1]Risk of brain tumors in relation to estimated RF dose from mobile phones: results from five Interphone countries[J]. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 2011, 68(9):631- 640.

[2]Hardell L , Carlberg M . Mobile phone and cordless phone use and the risk for glioma – Analysis of pooled case-control studies in Sweden, 1997-2003 and 2007-2009.[ J]. Pathophysiology, 2015, 22(1):1-13.



[5]Wyde M , Cesta M , Blystone C , et al. Report of Partial findings from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd: Sprague Dawley SD rats (Whole Body Exposure). 2016.

[6]Arendash, G.W., et al., Electromagnetic field treatment protects against and reversescognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease mice. J Alzheimers Dis, 2010.19(1): p. 191-210.< /p>

[7]Arendash, G.W., et al., Electromagnetic treatment to old Alzheimer’s mice reversesbeta-amyloid deposition, modifies cerebral blood flow, and provides selectedcognitive benefit. PLoS One, 2012. 7(4 ): p.e35751.

[8]Ng,T.P., et al., Long-term digital mobile phone use and cognitive decline in theelderly. Bioelectromagnetics, 2012. 33(2): p. 176-85.< /p>

[9]Zubko, O., et al., Effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by GSM phones on working memory: a meta-analysis. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 2017. 32(2): p. 125-135.

[10] Shu Hui, Lu Zheng, Cai Shuang, Yu Xiaohu, Lu Yi. Harm of non-ionizing radiation from 10MHz to 300GHz to human body [J]. Science and Technology Innovation Herald, 2019, 16(27 ):103-104.

[11]T hk m L, Partonen T, Pesonen AK. Systematic review of light exposure impact on human circadian rhythm. Chronobiol Int. 2019 Feb;36(2):151-170. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2018.1527773. Epub 2018 Oct 12. PMID: 30311830.

[12]Riemann D, Krone LB, Wulff K, Nissen C. Sleep, insomnia, and depression. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 Jan;45(1):74-89. doi: 10.1038/ s41386-019-0411-y. Epub 2019 May 9. PMID: 31071719; PMCID: PMC6879516.

[13]Specific electromagnetic radiation in the wireless signal range increases wakefulness in mice.https:

Editors: Zhang Jie, Zhao Yanan | Proofreading: Hu Lei

Typesetting: Li Yongmin | Operation: Han Ningning

Coordinator: Wu Wei

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

*The copyright of this article belongs to Tencent Medical Dictionary. Unauthorized reprinting by media is prohibited. Illegal reprinting will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law. Individuals are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.