Don’t owe it! 6 places the human body can’t “play”

|Planning/Editing: Ya Yun Editor in Charge: Yellow&Fanny

Review: Li Yun

Random check! How many “can’t be idle” stars?

Many people can’t help scratching their hands everywhere when they think (fishing), after all, the essence of human beings is to owe hands.

But we have some “restricted areas” in our bodies, and we must “control and count ourselves” no matter what. Many serious hazards are caused by your debts!

Restricted area one: Face is not allowed!

Yes! The first thing to say is the face.

There are always some massage techniques circulating on the Internet, claiming that it can promote the absorption of skin care products, thin the face, and resist aging.

In fact, in theory, massage may have some boosting effects on blood circulation, but this effect is minimal and basically negligible.

And those so-called effects, wake up my sisters, massage can not anti-aging, nor can you thin your face, on the contrary, vigorous massage and rubbing your face can easily damage the collagen fibers of the skin, but will Accentuates wrinkles on the face.

In addition to accelerating your ageing, improper manipulations can even cause permanent damage to your joints.

The internet celebrity of a small broken station once released a set of action videos for mandibular line exercises, which caused some netizens who followed the practice to suffer from severe mandibular disorder arthritis. Some even have to go to the hospital every day.

Image source network

Let’s just say, let go of your face and stop doing all kinds of facial exercises with some non-professional bloggers.

Restricted Area 2: Don’t pick the scab!

Many students should have had the experience of picking scabs with cheap hands.

But picking a scab is temporary, but the price is constant. Especially for people with a history of keloid or hypertrophic scars, scratching is easy to leave scars!

After our skin is injured, the wound secretions will slowly dry and scab. This scab protects the wound, blocks the bacteria outside, and helps the damaged tissue recover as soon as possible. .

At this time, you pull off the scab, and the scab has to be re-formed again (scab: are you polite?), and in the process of tearing the scab, it is easy to cause secondary damage to the wound. , and the risk of infection.

Those who can’t help but owe their hands can consider moisture healing to treat the wound and smother the large scab in the cradle.

Restricted Area 3: Don’t tear your finger barbs!

Humans are amazing creatures. They can’t stop doing things that hurt and don’t do any good.

Tearing barbs can not only damage the skin, cause bleeding of the fingers, but also cause fingernail folds and Infection of periungual tissue.

The proper way to treat barbs is to tap them off with clippers and moisturise them with hand cream.

There are also some people who bite their nails unconsciously when they are anxious. If things go on like this, it is easy for the edge of the nail to start to retreat under the action of external force, resulting in nail bed shortening and easy to form paronychia , and even the possibility of nail deformities.

Students with nailbiting addiction can try to get rid of the bad habit by shifting their attention. If the situation is more serious, it is necessary to combine psychotherapy and behavioral treatment methods to exclude possible pathogenic triggers to eliminate this bad behavior.

Restricted Area 4: Don’t grab the skin and meat balls!

Some classmates accidentally discovered that “little meat balls” had grown on their bodies, and they didn’t care if it didn’t hurt or itchy, and some tried to “pull” them off by themselves.

Da Baa! Stop! Don’t mess with it yourself!

Skin growth of “small meat balls” can occur in many cases, the most common being soft fibromas (skin tags), filamentous warts, flat warts, and more.

Soft fibromas may sound scary, but they are actually benign proliferations of collagen fibers in the dermis, which will not cause any health problems and can be removed at the hospital.

Filiform warts and flat warts are local hyperplasia of keratinocytes caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Contagious and can be transmitted through scratching, close contact, etc.< /strong>, need to go to the hospital for freezing, laser treatment and drug treatment.

Again, no matter what kind of meat balls it is, don’t treat it yourself to avoid infection.

Block 5: Don’t rub your eyes!

When our eyes are uncomfortable, we tend to rub our eyes subconsciously. But did you know that frequent eye rubbing can also be harmful to your eyes.

When you rub your eyes vigorously, you will close your eyes, then the eyeballs will move upward, and the pressure during rubbing will be concentrated under the eyeballs, causing the curvature of the underside of the cornea to change, making the curvature of the cornea uneven, This is likely to have some impact on vision in the long run.

Also, bacteria on your hands when you rub your eyes can cause bacterial eye infections. If there is a foreign body in the eye, rubbing can easily make the foreign body embedded deeper, causing damage to the cornea and eyeball.

When your eyes are occasionally uncomfortable, you can wash your hands clean, then close your eyes and tap.

If persistent eye discomfort or itching occurs, you should seek immediate medical diagnosis and treatment.

Restricted area 6: Don’t press your chest!

“Frequently massaging the breasts can make the breasts bigger”, this rumor should be heard by everyone. In order to enlarge the breasts, various routines are really emerging one after another.

Stop dreaming! Massage does not enhance breasts, and can also cause injury and pain, which can easily lead to breast tissue contusion.

You don’t have to hurt your own body for the sake of others’ aesthetics. I really want to passIf you work hard to “enlarge your breasts” the day after tomorrow, you can exercise your pectoral muscles to make your breasts taller and straighter, and there may be a certain visual enlargement effect.

Breasts are fragile, protect them, and sisters are advised to perform breast self-exams on a regular basis (four fingers together, from top to bottom) Slide down, from the inside to the outside, feel whether there is a lump or nodule, and observe whether the nipple is abnormal).

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