Don’t mistake AIDS for a skin disease, if there are 3 changes in the body, it may be an early signal of AIDS

AIDS, also known as HIV virus, is the abbreviation of human immunodeficiency virus. This virus can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and is a serious infection sick.

One, how terrible is AIDS?

HIV is a virus that attacks the human immune system, causing The most important T lymphocyte in the human immune system is the main target of attack. The HIV virus destroys a large number of T lymphocytes, making the human body lose its immune function and easy to infect various diseases. Malignant tumors can occur, and the fatality rate is high.

In addition, AIDS is a chronic incurable infectious disease that requires lifelong treatment and During the process, drug resistance is very likely to occur, and the treatment effect is not good, which will make the disease progress, cause various complications, and lead to death.

Another scary thing is that it is very contagious and very hidden, and patients can have no Symptoms, but contagious, very easy to cause social harm, can seriously affect the patient’s marriage and fertility.

Two, don’t mistake AIDS for a skin disease

In fact, when our body is infected with HIV, it is very likely to damage our skin, during this period the skin and mucous membranes There will be a series of stools, and the most common one in daily life is herpes zoster, and these are basically early signs of AIDS.

Many people think it may be a manifestation of skin disease, and sometimes they go to a small clinic last time Or buy some medicines for smearing. In fact, these symptoms cannot be relieved even under the smearing of medicines, and the condition will become more and more serious, and eventually even lead to skin ulceration.

So once such a phenomenon occurs on the skin, the cause should be identified in time, and it should not be compared with ordinary Dermatological confusion.

Third, why does AIDS cause skin symptoms?

AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, which occurs when humans are infected with This virus has a problem of weakened immunity. Therefore, as the disease progresses, the body will lack a strong enough immunity to resist the virus’ damage to the skin and mucous membranes, resulting in skin lesions.

In addition, HIV infection reduces CD4 T cell counts, which can lead to skin inflammation decreased healing ability.

Under the double shock of reduced immunity and CD4T cell counts, patients with other primary skin diseases have a high risk of Risk also increases.

In contrast to common skin diseases, AIDS-related skin symptoms often manifest as severe, recurring skin lesions Itching, accompanied by a generalized rash, if the patient can’t help scratching, it will also cause an exfoliative rash. In addition to skin diseases, some other signals will appear in the early stage of AIDS.

Fourth, if there are 3 changes in the body, it may be an early signal of AIDS

1. Oral Sarcoma p>

In the early stage of AIDS, the oral cavity is actually accompanied by irregular bleeding, especially in our gums and oral mucosa. From a medical point of view Called “Kaposi’s sarcoma”, in fact, this is one of the typical signs of early AIDS.

2. Sore throat, cough< /p>

When the immune system fails, the virus will attack the human respiratory system. The larynx and tonsils are the key parts of the respiratory system and are also the most severely attacked.heavy parts.

Therefore, AIDS patients often have cold-like symptoms, sore throats and coughs often appear, and the patient’s body resists Strength and immunity will also drop sharply, which will give other viruses an opportunity.

3. Persistent fever

The harm of HIV to the immune system leads to the collapse of the immune system. The immune system is the most powerful line of defense in our body. Once the immune system collapses, many occurrence of disease.

The persistent fever is a manifestation of the body’s immune system resistance, so when this happens, take medicine If the injection doesn’t help, it may be caused by AIDS.

Write at the end:

After reading the above article, I believe everyone will gain something. I hope everyone can fully understand the harm caused by AIDS to the human body and strengthen the awareness of prevention, so as to keep oneself clean, and at the same time Give more care to AIDS patients and their families, and give them more warmth.