Don’t miss the good season of “Xia Yang”, Chinese medicine gives you 6 “golden keys” for health care

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Summer refers to the beginning of the summer solstice and the beginning of autumn, including the 6 seasons of Lixia, Xiaoman, Mongzhong, Summer Solstice, Xiaoshu, and Dashu.

6 “golden keys”

“Simple Questions: The Great Theory of Four Qi Conditioning” says:

“Summer March, this is called Fanxiu,

Heaven and earth are in harmony, and all things are magnificent.”

Summer is the most yang season of the year, the weather is falling, the geothermal transpiration, the climate is hot, the rain is abundant, and the natural creatures are competing to grow. Summer focuses on the word “long”. Health care conforms to the characteristics of yang qi in the summer, be careful not to stifle yang qi. The main points of its health care are as follows:



Health “Golden Key”

1. Relieving Heat

The weather in summer is hot and the heat is unbearable. Some people, especially those with weak body, will suddenly faint due to heat stroke, feel irritable, nausea and vomiting, Profuse sweating (or no sweat), pale, twitching limbs, trismus, or unconsciousness. In addition to preventing exposure to the scorching sun, paying attention to the combination of work and rest, and ensuring sleep, the methods to prevent heat and heat should be moderately consumed. /strong>Such as mung bean soup, green tea, sour plum soup, or cool and juicy fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, tomatoes, etc., they can not only clear away heat and relieve summer heat, but also produce body fluid and quench thirst.



Health “Golden Key”

2. Light diet

At this time, the diet should be sweet and cold, light, and less oily. You should reduce your food intake and eat less greasy food to reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach. In summer, the climate is hot, and people’s digestive function is weak. At this time, if you do not choose your diet and eat some undigested foods as usual, it is easy to cause symptoms such as lack of appetite and abdominal distension after eating. Therefore, the diet in summer should be light, not fat and sweet. To reduce the amount of meat, eat more vegetables and fruits to reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

Summer dishes are expensive. Summer is coming, the sun is like fire, the steam is steaming, and you sweat a lot, which can easily hurt your body and consume gas. Diet should be of fresh quality, neutral in nature and tasteHarmonious, easy-to-digest, nourishing but not greasy foods, such as lotus root, carrot, apple, milk, soy milk, yam, millet and other foods, they all have good spleen and stomach, qi Sheng Jin effect.



Healthy “Golden Key”

3. Long Summer and Humidity

Long summer (July and August) is when there is a lot of rain, the heat is damp, the spleen and stomach are trapped, people often appear lethargic, lack of appetite, chest tightness and abdominal distension, drowsiness and fatigue, loose stools, tongue coating Thick and greasy. Diet should choose more foods that strengthen the spleen and relieve dampness and relieve heat: such as mung beans, coix seed, lentils, wax gourd, cucumber, etc. You can also drink more green tea.




Health “Golden Key”

4. Cooking Methods

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In summer, people’s digestive function will be relatively weakened. In cooking, In summer, it is often advisable to use more methods such as mixing, steaming, stewing, and boiling. Baking, frying, frying and other processing methods are easy to help heat and generate fire, and they are greasy and affect appetite, so they should be used sparingly. You can also eat more porridges, not only to supplement nutrition, but also to facilitate digestion and absorption.



Health “Golden Key”

5. Food Hygiene

The weather is hot, causing pathogenic microorganisms to multiply easily, food is easily spoiled and spoiled, and gastrointestinal diseases such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. occur frequently. Therefore, in summer, it is necessary to prevent “disease from entering the mouth”, pay attention to dietary hygiene, do not eat rotten and spoiled food, and do not drink raw water. Be sure to wash fruits and vegetables raw.



Health “Golden Key”

6. Not too cold

The weather is hot, people sweat a lot and like to eat cool drinks. Be careful not to over-eat cold drinks (such as soda, popsicles, ice cream, etc.), cold food, or eat a lot of raw and cold vegetables and fruits at one time. Especially those who are weak in the elderly, recovering from a long illness or have a deficiency of the spleen and stomach, as well as infants and young children, should eat less or not eat, in order to avoid damaging the yang qi of the spleen and stomach, It can lead to loss of appetite, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms in severe cases, so cold and cold are too harmful and useless.

Although cold drinks are good for cooling off, should be eaten with care. Don’t overeat for the sake of being happy for a while. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that excessive consumption of cold and cool products will damage the spleen and stomach, and may cause symptoms such as weakened digestion, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. People who usually have gastrointestinal diseases (such as chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic enteritis, colitis, etc.) should pay special attention.

In summer, people sweat a lot and often feel thirsty. Cold drinks are an indispensable drink, which can help dissipate a lot of heat in the body, replenish body fluid, and play a role in clearing heat and relieving summer heat. . Chinese people have the traditional habit of drinking cold drinks prepared from medicine and food. For example, herbal tea is prepared with chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, hawthorn slices, dried tangerine peel, and Scrophulariaceae.After drinking, it can prevent heatstroke and quench thirst, clear fire and improve eyesight. And Mung bean soup, cucumber juice, red bean soup, sour plum soup, tomato juice, etc. also have the effect of quenching thirst and preventing heatstroke.

Content source: People’s Health Publishing House published “Four Seasons Food and Nutrition to Live to One Hundred Years Old”

Author of this book: Ma Lieguang

Focus on Human Health