Don’t look for it any more

In today’s society, diabetes and three highs, the market is endangering our health, and diabetes can also cause many bad diseases. How to reduce the incidence of diabetes, eating is the key. Today, Seventh Brother will help you sort out the 10 strongest hypoglycemic foods to help people with diabetes get rid of their pain as soon as possible.

1. Onion

It is not only delicious but also right Diabetes is helpful. Onions can stimulate insulin synthesis and secretion of substances, dilate blood vessels, regulate blood lipids, and prevent arteriosclerosis.

Second, cucumber

Cucumber, which is very convenient to eat raw or cooked, is very common on the dining table. Cucumber has the effect of removing heat and quenching thirst. It is rich in vitamin C and cellulose, which can inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fat in the human body. It is suitable for obese diabetic patients and hypertensive patients.

3. Konjac

We all know that konjac is an ideal diet food , but I don’t know it is also a good news for diabetics. Konjac itself has low heat energy and high cellulose, which can delay the absorption of glucose and effectively reduce the rise of blood sugar. It increases satiety and reduces weight.

Four. Pumpkin

Eating a little pumpkin every day can help improve the internal environment of the human body, help blood flow, and reduce diabetes It has the effect of invigorating the middle and replenishing qi, and other diseases that damage the body’s cells.

5. Wheat bran

Many people are unfamiliar with wheat bran In fact, it is very helpful to the human body. In addition to satisfying hunger and supplementing nutrition, it can also nourish the heart and calm the mind. Using wheat bran and flour in a ratio of 6:4, mix eggs and make cakes, which can be used as dinner food for diabetic patients.

Six, bitter gourd

Seven brother loves to eat bitter gourd. The crude extract of bitter gourd has insulin-like effects and can lower blood sugar.

7. Yam

Yam can wrap food in the intestines, make Slow absorption of sugar, inhibit the sharp rise in blood sugar after meals, and better control blood sugar.

Eighth, black fungus

Black fungus has a hypoglycemic effect. Serve in stir-fries or stews.

Nine, Guava tea

Guava tea can prevent blood sugar rise , can inhibit the activation of enzymes that break down sugar, ease sugar absorption, and make a small amount of glucose be slowly absorbed.

10. Mulberry leaf tea

In addition to protecting the pancreas, mulberry leaf can also lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes. Drinking mulberry leaf tea regularly can promote the normal secretion of insulin, improve high blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and effectively prevent diabetes.

The editor said:

diabetes is the root of many evil diseases. It is suggested that all sugar friends should pay more attention to their daily life and diet, and hurry up and tell the people around them to stay away from the disease!