Don’t drag intestinal polyps into colon cancer! Key reminder: If polyps grow in the intestine, there will be 4 kinds of abnormalities in the body

Ms. Wang is 55 years old this year. A few years ago, she discovered a colon polyp during a physical examination. She had to remove it under the advice of the doctor. Colonoscopy should be performed every six months or so.

But Ms. Wang didn’t take it to heart. She felt in good health for two or three years, and even felt that the doctor was making a fuss, but some time ago, she found that she had blood in her stool, and she became thin. Now, I still have abdominal pain from time to time, so I rushed to the hospital.

It turned out to be advanced colorectal cancer, and the five-year survival rate was only about 10%. Although Ms. Wang regretted it, she couldn’t catch up.

1. 95% of bowel cancers are deteriorated by polyps

According to statistics, 80 %-95% of colorectal cancers evolve from colorectal adenomatous polyps, but there is no need to worry too much, not all intestinal polyps will become cancerous.

Intestinal polyps can generally be divided into neoplastic polyps and non-neoplastic polyps, neoplastic polyps are more likely to become cancerous, villous glands The canceration rate of tumors reaches 30%-70%, and the canceration rate of tubular villous adenomas is about 23%.

Non-neoplastic polyps, such as hyperplastic polyps, inflammatory polyps, and juvenile polyps, generally do not become cancerous, but some may transform into neoplastic polyps.

Second, if polyps grow in the intestine, there will be 4 kinds of abnormalities in the body

Not all Everyone will have intestinal polyps. According to statistics, the detection rate of intestinal polyps in people aged 35-49 is 10%-30%, and the detection rate of intestinal polyps in people over 50 years old is 30%-67%. Under these circumstances, if polyps grow in the intestines, the following three abnormalities will occur in the body.

1. Abdominal pain

Intestinal polyps may block the intestines as they grow, causing symptoms of abdominal pain. Abdominal pain symptoms, be careful that intestinal polyps are at work.

2. Blood in the stool

Many people tend to confuse blood in the stool with hemorrhoids. different. The blood in the stool caused by hemorrhoids does not fuse with the stool, while the blood in the stool caused by intestinal polyps is generally fused with the stool, and may cause intestinal obstruction with the development of the disease.

3. Diarrhea

When intestinal polyps develop, it will affect intestinal function, cause intestinal dysfunction, and may even induce diarrhea.

4. Stool with “grooves”

Stools with grooves, thinning shape, accompanied by mucus, abnormal defecation frequency, etc. Possibly a signal from intestinal polyps.

Third, if I have intestinal polyps, should I cut it?

It is generally recommended that if intestinal polyps are found, whether they are tumor polyps or not, removal should be done as soon as possible. Tumor polyps have a high chance of becoming cancerous and must be removed in time. Even non-tumor polyps may cause some negative effects or even worsen as they grow larger. Therefore, when intestinal polyps are discovered, timely cutting and eradication is the key, and Review regularly after treatment, be careful of it coming back.

Polyps may grow in many parts of the body. Once colon polyps are found, whether they are tumor polyps or not, they should be removed as soon as possible to avoid deterioration or even serious development. Unexplained abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in the stool, thin stools, etc. may all be caused by intestinal polyps, which must be paid enough attention.


[1]Small polyps of 6 mm can become colon cancer in just 3 years! You must know this lesson! .Health Times.2021-06-04

[2]There are polyps in the intestines, and this symptom will appear.Zhengzhou Yibo Anorectal Hospital.2020-12-13

[ 3] Colorectal polyps, everything you want to know is here | Comprehensive interpretation. Medical Tumor Channel. 2019-07-24